Pupdate – Forgotten Kingdoms

The roleplaying on FK has, overall, gotten slightly better since my previous rankings.

However, this is NOT due to a “general improvement” in roleplay…it’s due to a few good roleplayers playing a few different characters fairly regularly.

You can therefore find good roleplay much easier than when it was, say, one or two good RPers.

So, in essence, your chances of finding someone good amongst the sludgy cesspool of mediocrity is higher now than it was. Probably than it EVER was…how long that will last, of course, is completely up in the air: since the roleplaying of most remains mediocre, the point in playing depends on the continued playing of the few, the proud, the good FK roleplayers.

It WOULD, in all honesty, be perfect if FK had Armageddon’s RP quality. THEY DO NOT.

But if they DID, it would marry some really good aspects together.

Armageddon has the RP but lacks the sufficient and consistent help files, the overall friendly Imm presence, the overall friendly player presence (OOC), the visually pleasant appearance (no, it’s not “cuz the game is harsh”, though that’d be a good one)…and the life expectancy is just a LITTLE too grim. FK, on the other hand, has tons of mostly consistent and complete helpfiles, overall friendly Imm/Player presence (OOC), a pleasant visual experience…but there is virtual character immortality.

Two extremes on the life expectancy scale…somewhere in the middle would be nice.

IF FK ever retained the few good RPers they have, AND attracted new ones, AND the mediocre ones tried harder, AND the bad ones learned to at least be mediocre, AND the IDAA ones STOPPED PLAYING (Gwain: this means you) then FK would actually be superior to Armageddon, or any other MUD.

However, that is currently NOT the case, nor is it likely, given past experience, to ever be the case.

Semper Puppy Mach – Rankings

Grunge: 1st
Classic Alternative: 7th
Indie Rock: 14th
Overall: 507th

All-Time Highs:
Grunge: 1st
Classic Alternative: 7th
Indie Rock: 14th
Overall: 464th

Last Updated: 1/12/16

1/14/16: NOTE: 1/12/16 will be the last update, barring a miracle.  With stations disappearing left and right, the numbers would begin to be a bit misleading.  But hey…I did as well as Mach 2.  Of course, you never forget your FIRST time… *sigh*

Hashtag ThreeTimeChamp

-Puppy >.< Yip!

MUD Top Ten Rankings – Pupdate

So, I haven’t found any new MUX’s to add to my top ten list (their fault, not mine). I’m workin on it!!! There’s one that MIGHT be added, if like…anyone actually roleplays with me. Kinda necessary to judge.

BUT…I have noticed that, of the 6 included in my top ten rankings, the following has happened since I ranked them:

Forgotten Kingdoms: Down VERY slightly…but who cares?

Armageddon: No change (hard to go up from 2nd)

The Inquisition: Legacy: Up from 7th to 3rd

Burning Post II: Up from the mid-40’s to 18th

Harshlands: Up from high-60’s to 41st

No Return: No idea, haven’t followed it

So that’s pretty much:
1 Unknown (I suspect up, but not positive)
2 About the same
1 Up a fair amount
2 Up a LOT

Now, does this have anything to do with me?

I doubt it. But you never know. And it is deserved.

Coming soon to a MUX near you. MUAHAHAHAHAHA.

DTPLAPB – A Pupdate

Maybe the reason he said “I can’t breathe” when he COULD is because it would have taken a bit longer to say “Excuse me officer but I’m having a very difficult time breathing here, so could you kindly remove me from the chokehold/headlock before it comes to the point where I actually technically precisely CANNOT breathe? Thank you.”

-Puppy >.< Yip!

GWAI(N,C,P) – A Pupdate

Re: FK’s Gwain (and unfortunately several others, but not the majority), I must admit that I was wrong. He isn’t (IMPO, so it’s a 6.9) the very worst, most completely and utterly worthless and dull RPer in the history of the universe. I believe the quote below will explain my mistake. All apologies.

“Mr. Hamilton: What I’m suggesting is that this place is the… the crummiest, shoddiest, worst-run hotel in the whole of Western Europe.

Major Gowen: No! No, I won’t have that! There’s a place in Eastbourne.”

Fawlty Towers, “Waldorf Salad”

-Puppy >.< Yip!