Interesting Info – ‘Jar Of Flies’

“…According to Staley, the title for the album came
from a science experiment Cantrell conducted in third
grade: “They gave him two jars full of flies. One of
the jars they overfed, the other jar they underfed.
The one they overfed flourished for a while, then all
the flies died from overpopulation. The one they
underfed had most of the flies survive all year.
I guess there’s a message in there somewhere.
Evidently that experiment had a big impact on Jerry.”…”


Cheers – Episode 38 (Cliff’s Rocky Moment)

Diane’s vague stirring memories
Sam’s thinking cap
Diane’s football strategies
real men + Cliff
Diane V. football
Cliff’s muscle
Mountain Lily V. Black-Eyed Susan
Louis’s change of heart
Carla’s belief
Sam’s non-over-acting

Cliff’s laugh
guest star’s over-acting

Grade: A-

The Naked Gun (1988)

It’s basically a really long, really good ‘Police Squad’ episode. 

The writing/supporting cast are both upped a bit…if you hate complete nonsense, you’ll hate this.  But if you appreciate it, this is a very fine example of how complete nonsense can be funny.  It’s not quite to the level of ‘Airplane’, but close.

Tedious: Baseball song sequence, attempt at a “romantic” scene near the end.

Inspirational Quote: “And where the hell was I?”

Grade: B+

Natural Born Killers (1994)

With Tarantino involved, you knew it had to be really well-made sh1t.

Lots of cool cuts and one-liners and flashbacks and flashforwards and flasharounds and aspirations beyond the wonderful nonsense that has been proven to be his limit over and over again.

And it is.

But with Oliver Stone involved, you kinda figured it would rise above that.

But it doesn’t.

He called this a “positive” film???  Because you can go on an insane killing spree and not necessarily get gunned down at the end?  So aspiring serial killers and ultra-anarchists…there’s hope?  What horsesh1t.

Supposedly there’s some good “messages” here…like, violence is bad.  And, people that condemn violence and are supposedly horrified by it, yet pay to see it, hear about it, read about it, etc…are a bunch of stupid hypocrites.  Yeah no sh1t, Oliver.  I didn’t need to see this to know that.  And guess what?  NOONE who watches this who DIDN’T know that will LEARN that.  Either they’re too fcken stupid, or they don’t CARE in the first place.  I mean, you say so yourself in the script…you know, the snake story?

Also, there’s an anti-mass-media message, which is pushed so hard along with the violence that the whole thing comes across as camp, lowering it to the level of ‘Hobo’ or ‘Troll 2’ or ‘Manos’, except Oliver Stone is a REAL director and these are REAL actors making a worthless pile of sh1t masterpiece.

And hey Oliver…you’re condemning glorification of violence and the mass media by remaking ‘Bonnie and Clyde’, except fake?  Right…

Like so many other similarly violent and/or disturbing movies, most of the people willing and/or eager to sit through this don’t care about anything Oliver’s trying to say.  They’re watching this because they’re sick fcks, inside or out, or both, and they enjoy it.  Period.

Me, I’m done.  Fck em.

Grade: C

Cheers – Episode 22 (Show Down: Part 2)

gentle beavers
fair apathy
Bobby and Susie
two boilermakers, Wild Turkey and Bud
slow Thursday
Sam and Derek
sore buns
Coach’s monologue
Cliff’s plea
romance discussion
mutual disgust
door crowd
nibble discussion

Recycled Chuck
Recycled Part 1
blackboard torture
silence inability
a bit of overacting

Grade: A-

The X Agenda

Ok, so I suppose this is sort of like the “Homosexual Agenda”, where every homosexual is part of a vast conspiracy to paint everything rainbow?

Come on…in every case, good bad or neutral or anywhere in between, it’s the person, not the idea.

Bombard a decent person with terrible horror movies (Believe me, I know, if you’ve read some of my movie reviews) and it won’t turn them psycho.

Give a psycho the slightest provocation, or even none at all…they’ll make one up…and they’ll do fcked up sh1t.

I mean, are we gonna ban dogs after “Son of Sam”?

And I agree…this definitely does not make me want to have sex with a walrus.  Or eat Skittles.

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Cheers – Episode 7 (Friends, Romans And Accountants)

Elizabethan Poet Night
confused Coach in sea of accountants
one-woman charades
a good beating

Norman Exposition
Seeing Norm in a toga
limbo time
frozen hallelujah
casual attitude toward sexual assault

Grade: B

11/24/14: Upon further review, not as good. Grade: C+

Cheers – Episode 1 (Pilot: Give Me A Ring Sometime)

military brat
mime class
Magnificent Pagan Beast
close call
surprise hooker
sweat contest
advance apology
Diane’s first laugh

Plenty of kinks to be worked out
too much Basil Exposition
too much pretension
too much too soon from Carla
Sam and Diane trying too hard

Grade: C

8/1/13: I think I was a little too hard on it because I was hoping it would be great.  Nostalgia – it’s good and it’s bad.  Grade: C+

The 1st Annual Sort Of Near The 2nd Anniversary Celebration

I’d just like to thank everyone that made this possible…me, my friends, people that like reading my little posts, people that randomly stumble upon it and don’t care, people that come here to make fun of it thereby driving up my hit count, and finally people that made fun of it and said noone would visit it, thereby inspiring me to make it at least SLIGHTLY successful to serve, in part, as a constant, faint, irritating reminder in the manner of mild rectal itch.

Thank you!

-Puppy >.< Yip!

Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie (1996)

Not a bad episode of MST3K. 

But the shorts were always better than the movies.  And the studio bits are over-done and less-funny without TV’s Frank.

“Ok…see now, what separates the Metalunans, from like, “Hollywood” aliens, ok, is that that they have like they have huge heads, alright…ok, now now I don’t mean they have big egos, ok, cuz they don’t, alright…I mean their actual HEADS…are huge, alright…I mean they have to sleep sitting up, ok…like the Elephant Man, or they’ll die, alright…”

Grade: B-

1/30/13: Better the more I watch it.  Grade: B