Category: Site Reviews
Forgotten Kingdoms – Odds and Sods (SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE)
1) FK – The Mediocrity Watch
After a brief challenge of Armageddon, FK’s current 3rd is now closer to 4th than Arm’s 2nd. Triumph of substance over well-meaning dreck.
Don’t get me wrong…I love the well-meaning.
But sweet, gentle, polite, cheerful cr@p is still cr@p.
2) Wanna know why FK is ranked 3rd on TMC, and Harshlands 71st?
FK cares about being popular.
Harshlands cares about roleplaying. Demands it, actually…mediocrity could not survive there for long. Hence, a mass migration.
That’s just my opinion, of course.
3) Memo To Ireland
You rock. Can you please export FK to some much cr@ppier country?
4) Oh, and the final and best example of JH-level roleplay:
Almost all characters, when faced with an opposing viewpoint, will – instead of discussing, arguing, listening, speaking directly to the opposer – almost inevitably and robotically turn to another player and talk about the opposing player and their viewpoint as if they weren’t there.
Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic, Good, Evil…identical.
I’m not joking.
Like covering their eyes and ears and yelling “NANANANANANANA I CAN’T HEAR YOU”.
Try it, if you don’t believe me.
The clique leaders do, the clique followers laugh and/or agree.
It’s…sad. THIS MUD is challenging Armageddon! There is no justice of quality in the world.
From FK’s TMC entry:
“Forgotten Kingdoms is an RPI (Role-Play Intensive) game”
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ummm…no. Try it and see.
“Roleplaying Is Enforced”
Ummm…I specifically recall being told, by an FK Imm (Immortal, person who runs the game) (in my words, but accurate IMPO) that it was acceptable for players to logon and simply type “kill (mob)” over and over for hours. Hours in FK equalling days. How this is “RP Enforced” and not “Powergaming Accepted” is beyond me.
Also, since Anachronisms are HORRIBLY rampant…and not just subtle ones; blatant, in-character references to specific modern-day items, terminology, etc…that are then explained, in-character, weakly and without any merit…I hardly think “RP Enforced” is an appropriate label, unless the “RP” being enforced is “Mediocre characters who stand around chatting like angsty, giggly teens and make rampant anachronisms”. If that is what they mean, then spot on.
“The game has over 250 unique areas and is still growing rapidly, thanks to a large team of builders who continuously update existing areas as well as adding new areas and
Quite true. The “game” is constantly growing, “areas” are constantly being updated and improved, etc…all completely accurate.
However, none of this changes the fact that roleplay is almost universally mediocre. And has been…for years. Good players come, and go…I assume, like myself, to better RP MUDs. No exaggeration…YEARS. The roleplay level, with a few RARE exceptions, has not improved AT ALL in YEARS.
“New characters can choose from a huge range of races and subraces, including shield dwarves, moon elves, mountain orcs and even planetouched characters such as genasi, aasimar or tieflings.”
Incorrect. Or, at least, very misleading. New “characters” may be able to choose these things…but NOT new “players”. New players have limited access to races – no genasi, no aasimar, no tiefling, no moon elf…
“Once you have selected your characters race, you must choose a base class of Warrior, Wizard, Rogue or Priest, each of which offers a different roleplay experience, and can be further customised by joining one of almost 50 guilds.”
To a limited extent, yes. Warrior makes you fight with big weapons. Wizard makes you fight with small weapons, and spells. Priest makes you fight with medium weapons, and spells. Rogue is not allowed to new players. That is basically the difference in “roleplay experience”, since virtually all characters currently playing are interchangeable personality (or lack thereof) wise.
“The last major decision to be made by any new character is to decide where they grew up – possibilities include several famous Forgotten Realms locations, including Waterdeep, Zhentil Keep, Menzoberranzan and Mithril Hall.”
Again, incorrect…or, very misleading. New “characters”, perhaps…but not new “players”. New players start in Waterdeep. Period. Since this was carefully worded to say “characters”, I must conclude it is propaganda.
(EDIT, 8/17/15: New PLAYERS may be able to start in a few other cities, depending on alignment. However, since the vast majority of characters are in Waterdeep, and the only other considerable player base AT ALL is in Zhentil Keep, all non-evil characters can start in either A) Area where noone else will be to RP with, so they travel to Waterdeep or B) Waterdeep. I’m not certain because I’ve NEVER tested it out…play is in Waterdeep and ZK, with VERY RARE exceptions. Period. And roleplaying alone is not fun.)
That is, it is written for players who don’t know about the MUD. These players will assume (rightfully so, IMPO) that this means they can pick any race, hometown…and that’s just false.
I mean…trying to attract new players is great. But deceptive advertising (IMPO only, of course) in order to bring in new players before they find out the ACTUAL choices…is just a numbers-grab. It’s an attempt to bring in everyone, regardless of quality. Hence, why FK’s mediocrity stands the test of time. One reason of many, but still.
“A unique ‘spell memorisation’ system based on system used in
Dungeons and Dragons. This means no mana!”
Semantics. Spells “regenerate” in your character through time and a random element. That this isn’t called “Mana” really doesn’t change how it works, IMPO.
“Many avenues for character development, including joining up with factions such as the Black Network or the Grey Hands, joining the inner circle or even becoming the high priest of one of 30 faiths…the possibilities are myriad!”
Suggested Disclaimer: ‘Black Network, Grey Hands, Inner Circles, and High Priest positions unavailable to non-clique members unless one is willing to RP with clique members and pretend they don’t suck.’
And, even without that…it doesn’t matter. No matter who you become, how powerful, in what way, in what organization…you will be roleplaying with a vast supply of mediocre role-players. If that is your limit…then go for it. If you have higher aspirations, they will NOT (IMPO, over years of study) be met here, with VERY few exceptions. And if you’re one of two good roleplayers logged in out of 25…why are you on the MUD, instead of in a chatroom, where the mediocrity can be dispensed with?
“Forgotten Kingdom’s greatest strength is its large population of superb role-players…”
No, no…”large population”, yes. “superb role-players”…two. Maybe three. Not counting myself, because I don’t consider myself “superb”…just…pretty good. However, even “pretty good” would be incorrect, IMPO, if substituted in the quote for “superb”.
Here is, IMPO, an honest replacement statement:
“Forgotten Kingdom’s greatest strength is everything else which hides the mediocrity of the vast majority of the large population of its role-players…”
FK Roleplay – An Excerpt (SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE)
Ok, so…during a fairly recent period on FK, in Market Square…errr CENTER, pardon me, this is what basically happened for a couple of hours:
A dozen or so characters came and left, intermittently, with at least three present pretty much at all times. Liora attempted to generate actual roleplay. Thaien, identically-drab son of Thanasis (Faith Leader, Former Faith Leader), Lylena (hand-folding Faith Leader), Gwain (omg…see ‘Irrepressibly Drab And Awful’), some other character whose one “individual” characteristic is “says everything from behind a cowl”, some other character whose one “individual” characteristic is “tries to sleep with every female character in the game” (I think he also plays another fav of mine, but not sure…Casimir, who actually has TWO “individual” characteristics: “Slowly moves a talon up and down” and “Speaks in a wind-affected voice”), and some other characters who are too lazy to even have that one characteristic all engaged in…chat. No character, no characters, no roleplay, no personality. Nothing. Just chat. IN CHARACTER. The equivalent of what you’d see on most RP MUDs (REAL roleplay-enforced ones) ooc chat channels.
A fairly accurate representation, IMPO:
“How go things?”
“Fine, yourself?”
“Very well. I just (insert name of hack n’ slash accomplished recently).”
“Great. So…have you seen (insert name of established generic character) lately?”
“No. Last I saw them they were with (insert name of romantically-linked other established generic character).”
“(insert generic witticism here)”
“(laughter and smiles)”
I’m not joking.
Forgotten Kingdoms – A Day In The Life (SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE)
Took me a while to get on here…traffic. But I digress.
…it’d love to turnnnn…youuuuuu…offffffff…
First, you create your character. Name, class, race, alignment, description, adjective, etc etc etc…
Which sounds very complex. UNFORTUNATELY…none of this makes any difference. All characters, with a few notable exceptions, are generic automatons of mediocrity.
You will NOT find someone to roleplay your concept with. They do not exist there…IMPO.
Once that is done, you may have to wait up to 24 hours to be approved. Because, of course, they must verify that your name is acceptable, you have a suitable description, and so on. Of course nine times out of ten (yes, I’ve done enough iterations) you will be approved within half an hour: REGARDLESS of anything except (maybe) your name. In that case, you will have to change it, and wait another…30 minutes, max. (nine times out of ten…there are exceptions, although whether these are out of lack of attention or a desire to give the impression that actual analysis is taking place is open for debate).
Having accomplished that, you will be spat out into a Tavern in
Waterdeep. Everything will look really pretty.
Then, you’ll get the same first job everyone gets every single time they play, with every single character. Evidently, there is a Lamplighter who has been scared for YEARS to light lamps, and whose fear only abates temporarily when aided.
Then, after some time in the Snookery, you will go to Market Square (now Center…it’s been expanded). There you will await other characters, and, if you are any good at roleplaying, you will tolerate their mediocrity with a metaphorical forced smile; it does not harm you, after all, to reply to such mediocrity if you have ANY skill at roleplay. You can do so at ten percent of your RP capacity, and you’ll fit right in.
Assuming you stay, you will continue to return to Market Center, over and over and over again. You will listen to inane conversations and you will tell yourself “There MUST be other good role-players on here…if I can just pretend this isn’t cliquey JH-level roleplay cr@p, so as not to insult all the powerful players in the game…I’ll meet a good roleplayer.
The vast majority of powerful characters are decadent, mediocre, undefined, generic, boring, without distinction, and absolutely and completely ignorable…EXCEPT, they are the Faith Managers. Therefore you MUST pretend that they can roleplay (as a representative of a God) at least well enough for you: a neophyte with practice armor.
I think, for me…the most egregious example of utter mediocrity as a baseline is the fact that ALL the powerful characters, no matter their alignment, ethos, powerful convictions, etc…talk to each other. Politely. The same as to every other character. In the Market Square. Good and Evil, mortal enemies at times, by the very definition of their deities…chatting.
Just…chatting. Not, speaking because it is necessary, but roleplaying being appropriately disgusted (or at least dismayed). Just…chatting. Meaningless, trivial, worthless. Without any roleplay value. Every character…JUST like every other.
Again…try it.
Make a character, try it…and tell me I’m wrong. Reply, send me a log, ANYTHING…
Unfortunately, that won’t happen. Because you can’t post something that doesn’t exist. And, unless you’re a Pof Mediocre-Character-X (or Y, or Z, or…) or a friend (IC and OOC crossover is rampant), you can’t deny anything I’ve said, without, IMPO, lying.
There’s no realism here. It is not “roleplay-enforced”. Anachronisms are completely allowed, if not encouraged. One player speaks with thee’s, thy’s, and thou’s…and the next says “hey, wanna go to rat hill?”.
SERIOUSLY! I’m not making this sh1t up!
So, as long as you can avoid being Inkyd, those who seek ACTUAL roleplay should try Armageddon. Or Harshlands. Or The Inquisition: Legacy. Or The Burning Post 2. Or dozens of other MUDs and MUSHs, far lower on TMC’s list, with REAL roleplaying.
This is all just IMPO, of course.
The change I’m attempting to provoke is highly unlikely. But, there’s ALWAYS a chance. Even for good roleplay on FK.
Forgotten Kingdoms – The JV (Or JH) Of MUDS (SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE)
Based on long, often painful, experience, there are four players on FK that are actually GOOD at roleplaying.
1) Pof Harroghty/any alts
2) Pof Liora/any alts
3) Pof Liric/any alts
4) Some new female Aasimar whose name I don’t know.
EDIT, 8/13/15: This does NOT include “former” characters. Characters that no longer play at all are not “on” FK…they are memories. I thought I would clarify, for the sake of accuracy, that there (of course) HAVE been other good roleplayers…but, generally, it tends to be 3 or 4 at a time. A time being…everyone who plays over a period of several months.
Despite a brilliant background, extensive help files, a remarkably workable quest system, helpful Imms, mostly helpful PLAYERS…
The rest is, from dozens of exposures with dozens of characters, the equivalent of prepping for a real MUD.
The established players, with nothing further to accomplish, simply congregate in a place called “Market Center” (formerly Market Square…the areas of FK are constantly improving, unlike the RP) for hours at a time. Roleplay consists of smiling, giggling, frowning, cheek-pecking, in-breeding, and pointless, useless IC conversation.
I say pointless because all conversations are the same, with a few simple variations.
For example, Pof Lylena is almost exactly like every other character there…BUT, she folds her hands behind her back.
Honestly. That’s all.
THIS is the MUD challenging Armageddon for 2nd place on TMC.
It is an alternate Junior High School hallway, with all of the cliques but not QUITE as much intelligence.
This is a product of HOURS and HOURS of research with DOZENS of characters…many of whom were LOVED by other players. But, unfortunately, with the exceptions noted above (and perhaps a few more…but none that you’ll encounter in Waterdeep) there is a helpless feeling of time-wasting that inevitably sets in.
No matter how detailed the world becomes, no matter how complex and interesting the quests become, no matter how involved the character creation process gets…the roleplay stays the same. The same conversations, by the same people (or clones of them), in the same area, about the same subjects, with the same variations in actual character RP: Lylena’s hand-folding being – sadly – one of the best.
That’s all. Try it. Go on FK, and try to stay in Market Center for an hour, with at least six others, and see a single instance of real, genuine, lengthy, emoted/said/thought/FELT roleplay.
You’ll see plenty of chat that is the same, day after day, over and over, as unchanging as Ly’s hand posture…but if you want a JH clique chat, why don’t you just go in a chatroom with fellow adolescents? Or, as the case probably is, those stuck in adolescence and/or lacking the roleplay ability to do anything except 1) that, and 2) hack n’ slash.
Hack n’ slash is commonly referred to as “Adventuring” there.
Is part of this “sour grapes”, as might be the response?
Sure. It’s frustrating to make a character, give them a personality, find a background and setting and functionality that is PERFECT for them…and then have it ruined, over and over and over, by the inept mediocrity of the vast majority of the other players.
This isn’t just my opinion, either…at least two players (one current good role-player, one good role-player who left because of this reason) mentioned and complained, specifically, about the clique system and their annoyance with it. I imagine, since they avoided the usual Square nonsense themselves in order to roleplay with me, that they also shared my view of the overall RP.
Why do I keep going back? Hope. That small, fragile flower in a field of darkness…and, SOMETIMES, I find another real roleplayer amongst the dreck and endless generations of the same nameless names.
I mean…it’s so CLOSE to being the best MUD ever. If ONLY it had roleplayers.
The Inquisition: Legacy MUD (Take Two)*
Mostly the same as take one (mostly nice, helpful imms and mostly nice, helpful players) but here’s one glaring exception to watch for:
The Inquisition: Legacy froze on me, so I had to re-logon. Four times, maybe five. In a row. It took a while. At very bad points. So I asked an Imm for help, because I NEEDED IT. And I was very polite and thankful, and they were nice at first (Thank you Mika).
Enter Azarial.
The tender-hearted, who asks questions as statements and ONLY answers code-related questions. Well, when he/she wants to.
“Azarial tells you, “Now. what is wrong with your pet”
Azarial replies to you, “What is wrong with it.”
(visnet) Staff Azarial: Ftr, misplaced pets are not a request for staff. use ‘hail lost’. if it is no longer on the ‘hail list’, that is a request/
(visnet) Player Abril: My pet was not misplaced. I was booted out of my room when the game crashed.
(visnet) Staff Azarial: That counts as misplaced.
(visnet) Player Abril: So a crash costs 50 silver?
Rule Quote: “Hail lost will summon lost pets for 50 silver.”
You tell Azarial, “Just so I’m clear on this…if the game crashes, I have to pay 50 silver to get my NPC back?”
…”This is a joke, right?”…
(visnet) Player Abril: Hey Azarial…can I ask you just one question?
“(visnet) Player Abril: Or do I have to send code questions in notes like Rimilde, even though your title says “can only answer code questions”?
(visnet) Player Abril: Azarial, if you don’t serve the purpose you state, what exactly do you do?”
I don’t recall EXACTLY, but here is my best recollection of another event, concerning Rimilde and Azarial: can only answer code questions (On visnet)-
Rimilde: I have a code question if I could please ask?
Azarial: You can ask it here unless it’s personal.
Rimilde: Well it is personal, that’s why I can’t…should I send a note?
Azarial: Yeah, probably best.
Nice answer.
If you have to send a note to ask a code question…why does it say “can only answer code questions” in your title, Az?
I mean, are you stating what your brain is theoretically capable of? Because since you didn’t answer that question, it seems to not be a “I WILL answer code questions” reference. Can you do anything else? Walk? Drool?
*= SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE. What am I mocking in the hope of provoking or preventing change, often using humor? Sh1tty Imming. That’s just IMPO, of course.
Subeta Review – 5/28/15
See previous entry ‘Subeta Review’.
Changes: None to the overall quality/good points/bad points…but there is definite improvement over the past year and a half or so. Little things, mostly…but fairly consistently added/improved little things.
And the artwork is MUCH better than it used to be, overall.
The Burning Post II MUD
“Flip a coin?” – What one of the heads of BurP told me when I asked a very serious question that would determine my character’s emotions and reaction to a great degree based on the answer.
Basically, BurP is The Inquisition: Legacy version 0.3.
It’s much smaller, has fewer players, fewer GOOD players, fewer areas, fewer commands, far fewer help files, far less helpful help files, listed help files that aren’t actually there, things that are important that are nowhere in basic help files (so that you’d have to stumble upon them accidentally, or be lucky enough to have an experienced player tell you them…since they’re not told with any frequency at creation to new players), etc, etc, etc…
So if you like The Inquisition: Legacy, but think it’s just too well set-up, well-ordered, well-helped, and well-played, BurP is the game for you.
And I’m saying this as an active player with 70+ hours.
Oh, and here are some quotes (altered only to protect anonymity):
X tells you, ‘I wish I could promote you to (extremely high position)’
Y nods his head, “Yes.” he says, dropping his arms. “Evreything happened just as she said.” he explains, then offers, with a thin smile. “She was ready to throw down her life in service to me, and the Lord Dav. I believe she may prove to be a very good Knight.” he says, looking up at you. “And give her my reccomendation.”
One other person said they “couldn’t wait to RP” with me again.
“I’ll just say it, when this one becomes a squire…” Z points at you, “I’d like to take her under my wing, as it were. In fact, I insist.”
Written 5/15/15, approximately 3:10 PM EST.
Status as of then: Active, no complaints against, 70+ hours played.
Reason for not playing anymore?
Well, certain people have a tendency to go afk without typing afk for like 20 minutes, come back, type (smile), then go afk for like 20 minutes again.
Yes, I LEFT…I was still welcome. It just…became more interesting to write stuff like this than to play the game.
Eh…C’est La Vie.
The Inquisition: Legacy MUD
Topic: The Inquisition, basically. With a little magic, conniving, nobility…etc…
Review: Pretty good overall.
LOTS of info to learn, but plenty of leeway to learn it.
Imms are helpful and informed, and (MOST OF) the players are decent and also decent roleplayers; both being important.
Of course, there ARE exceptions. But hey…nothing’s perfect.
-Puppy >.< Yip!
Gits Without An Interesting Persona (GWAIPs)
The Forgotten Kingdoms GWAIN + clones roleplay alert system… ONE… MORE… TIME!
Cuz most of the time, RPing on FK is ok…but every once in a while:
10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Good clip about a sh1tty actor. (housekeeping)
GWAI(N,C,P) – A Pupdate
Re: FK’s Gwain (and unfortunately several others, but not the majority), I must admit that I was wrong. He isn’t (IMPO, so it’s a 6.9) the very worst, most completely and utterly worthless and dull RPer in the history of the universe. I believe the quote below will explain my mistake. All apologies.
“Mr. Hamilton: What I’m suggesting is that this place is the… the crummiest, shoddiest, worst-run hotel in the whole of Western Europe.
Major Gowen: No! No, I won’t have that! There’s a place in Eastbourne.”
Fawlty Towers, “Waldorf Salad”
-Puppy >.< Yip!
Advice/Site Review
I’m not going to give the name, because that would just give them publicity, BUT:
If you ever find yourself on a MUX, or MUD, or MUSH, or any other den of supposed roleplaying, and you make a character who is a good-natured and pleasant but naive virgin, and another character forces her to masturbate so hard that she bleeds profusely, and she is upset by that and complains, and you (as player, and character) are accused of behaving “neither fair nor proportional”, and a/the Imm then suggests maybe this isn’t the place for you…agree.
Semper Puppy, Mach II – Rankings (Final Update: 4/14/15)
Grunge: 1st
Classic Alternative: 15th
Adult Album Alternative: 22nd
Overall: 623rd
All-Time Highs:
Grunge: 1st (8/22/14)
Classic Alternative: 10th (2/6/15)
Adult Album Alternative: 16th (11/2/14)
Overall: 490th (10/25/14)
Last Updated: 4/14/15
Site Review –
Having had the number one grunge station on this site for a LONG time before abandoning it due to the problem described below, and having (NOW) the number three grunge station (and climbing as I’ve just started it) on this site, I think I’m qualified to review an annoying aspect of this site that I’m sure all non “Premium” (i.e. “Gimme Some Money”) listeners can appreciate.
There are ads on the top. On the side. On the bottom.
Fine. No problem. They havta make money.
Then there are the video ads, with audio as loud as or louder than the song you’re listening to.
Not fine. Bullsh1t. They start without – to my knowledge – any way to prevent them and completely destroy the experience of listening to the song you’re listening to. Can they be dealt with, such as stopping them or lowering the volume EVERY SINGLE TIME they load independently? Perhaps. But it’s still bullsh1t.
Maybe that’s why you can no longer say “Over 7000 stations”.
Now it’s “Over 5000”. And it’s less than 6.
Try getting rid of the obnoxious greedy sh1t. That’s marketing advice, and a review.
Site Review –
Everything from his three previously reviewed review books plus a bunch of other stuff of questionable quality.
But screw the rest…just click on ‘Consumer Guide’ and have a blast.
Grade: A
GoDaddy Customer Service – 2 out of 3 ain’t bad
Ok, so I have a post about good GoDaddy customer service, and one about not-so-good GDCS.
This is another good one…not the biggest issue, but resolved quickly and very professionally.
-Puppy >.< Yip!
Live365 – A Plea And Explanation
While I understand the…well, not really “need”, since you get money from other sources…but while I understand the need to put ads wherever you can to stay profitable, there is a point where that becomes too much.
I don’t mind the silent, still ads that cover the entire right side of my screen when I’m checking out “Semper Puppy” (which I happen to pay for, every month).
But when, as happens VERY often now, an ad PLAYS while a song is playing, completely RUINING the song and doing nothing but make me say “Well, fck that product, I’m never buying it now…”, that’s too much.
So are the FULL-PAGE ads I have to click out of after stealthily moving my screen to the correct position before I can even SEE the “X” to stop them.
It’s reminiscent of Neopets’ “Advert Attack”…quite similar actually, thus eerie.
It’s also making me think VERY seriously about dropping my membership. So do with that what you will…I mean, I don’t want to drop it, but I’m not gonna PAY to be SHOWN ads. Especially when they interfere with the normal broadcast of a radio program.
-Puppy >.< Yip!
The Final Armageddon Post – And This Time, I MEAN IT!
“Complaints of unfairness will not be given an audience. If you think
your character’s situation was unfair, too bad. Live with it or don’t.” – Armageddon homepage, under topic “Rules”.
Well…I mean, come on…if you “live by the sword”, as they say…
Meaning, complaints posted to MY website of unfairness will be given the same audience. Why? You like it that way, apparently. If you think the situation is “unfair”, too bad. Live with it or don’t.
I don’t care.
-Puppy >.< Yip!
Site Review –
I LOVE it. It’s MUCH better than ‘Cats’. I’m going to post on it again and again!
-Puppy >.< Yip!
Armageddon Mud – Final Thoughts (THANK GOD)
I mean, it was REALLY fun for a while…when Inky thought I was female playing a female character. Since then it’s just been a world of fcken annoyance.
From an Administrator:
“Given that you’ve decided to take this to your blog…”
Right…MY blog. My blog, where I post MY opinions/jokes/sarcastic remarks/etc…not yours.
But hey, thanks for the hit! Every little one counts towards that million.
“and seem unwilling to discuss this with staff,…”
Unwilling to discuss with staff??? Are you high? I traded like 6 messages back and forth with an Imm EXPLAINING the ENTIRE thing. It got so right-adjusted that I could barely read it, like one word for each line.
“your account on the game as well as on the GDB has been temporarily banned. “
So…a ten year vet cheats (IMPO…I’m 6.9 on that), I (a newbie) complain about it, as I was ENCOURAGED to do by an Imm response…and I get banned?
“Remove your posts on your blog and we can talk then.
ArmageddonMUD Staff”
This is my favorite, no question.
A MUD Admin (in my subjective opinion) trying to bribe me to censor my free speech in exchange for game access. Well…POSSIBLE game access. That’s just…sad.
Oh, and go fck yourself.
-Puppy >.< Yip!
Iancu Attempts Snarky – Fail
You send this message to the staff:
“Is there any reason that a player who knows I am planning on retiring this character and who has abused OOC info should be contacting me IC, when I only logged in to make the previous “wish”?”
(Puppy Edit: He would know not to contact me because of our last communication, in which I responded to his request to use OOC info IC…as follows – “When I said “tone down” I basically meant “No Mudsex”, not “you can decide to change your character’s clearly expressed feelings…Completely unacceptable.”)
The stocky, spade-bearded man sends you a telepathic message:
“A peaceful morning?” (Puppy suggested addition: “Did you feel it? Maybe next time. BTW, I have an aversion to RPing with males playing female characters. Fortunately for you, I’m also a fcken dumba$$…so I’m rather obvious about it. Now, go off and die, my sweet concubine.)
“OOC: I am here to wish, not to play. Please don’t compound your OOC info abuse by being snarky about it. Nice illegal artifact, btw.”
Too bad mindbenders can read Psi’s, huh Inky?
You don’t have to worry about poison with that glowing, shining ring though. At least, unless a Templar finds out about it.
Now…keep in mind, you CANNOT use this info IC. BUT, if you’re clever, you can find a way to use it IC without being obvious about it…same way Inky was gonna ditch my character.
I’m not SUGGESTING you do it…but you could, rabbit, you could.
Oh, P.S. : You also can’t IN ANY WAY use the fact that he has allies in the Labyrinth that work for him. Now, I mean it!
-Puppy >.< Yip!
Armageddon Rules And Violations – A Serious Critique
First, direct quotes from some section of Arm/GDB/helpfiles/etc:
“Role-playing…is not considered an option by the creators of the world, it is a strict requirement. If you do not want to role-play, please go elsewhere.”
“…it is expected that you will play your character consistently…”
“Although it is just a game, try to imagine yourself as your character, and act as your character while in the game.”
“…try not to let your own desires get in the way of role-playing your character…”
Second, my complaint based on this:
“…My character, Evalyn, was named “formally” as “assistant to Lord Oash”.
Privately, she was assured she was now “Aide/Concubine”. Player of Iancu Oash apparently found out Evalyn (character) was played by me (male) when, after HE requested it, I registered for the Oash GDM forum…
“His response (PUPPY EDIT: see below) makes clear, to me, that his intent is to ignore/phase out my character, or simply avoid her until – without the intimate roleplay connection she had for four days straight with a Lord, including being told intimate secrets/shown around his estate/being promised-offered anything I basically wanted in shops…etc… gone – she inevitably gets killed or just fades away until such time that he can use his OOC distaste to “legitimately” alter his IC play enough to dismiss her.
Suspending his character basically would give him what he wants – I would die or fade away, problem solved. So I’m hoping there’s some way you can tell him, basically: roleplay your character as your character, without (potential) homophobia creeping into it, without using OOC feelings to (not so subtly, or) subtly alter your play until it’s seen as “acceptable” IC to dismiss someone you basically gazed at with doe-eyes until you found out OOC info.
Third, quotes from Iancu’s player:
“…I would be more comfortable toning down the more intimate aspects of the character relationship, honestly.”
Puppy Translation: You’re a guy? I gotta cut you loose…I’ll find out some way to do it “IC”, cuz I’m a ten year vet and know how to abuse the system.
“It should be easy enough to make the decision ICly. I was already sort of hedging my bet with what role would be best for Evalyn in the clan you – might have noticed…”
Puppy Commentary: Complete lie. See evaluation, part four, below.
“Hopefully it’s not too awkward or upsetting to Evalyn if other aspects seem to cool down.”
Puppy Translation: I hope you don’t mind me using OOC info to alter my IC behavior. Hopefully it won’t be TOO annoying to you, cuz I’m gonna do it, one way or another.
I mean, this guy’s running slipshod over the rules. OH!
Fourth, summary of Inky situation:
Well basically, it Orinoco blows. But here’s more detail:
It’s supposed to be, as empirically proven by their own discussion board, website, rules, constant arguments on the subject…a ROLEPLAYING mud.
So…I made a female character. Because I liked the character idea. Not to seduce some poor unsuspecting male into MUDsex. Evalyn, based on Evelyn from ‘The Mummy’.
I watched the flippin movie like 6 times in 3 days just to get EVERY mannerism down: how she smiles, WHEN she smiles, how she talks, what words she uses, what words she avoids, how she walks, how she sits, how she talks to herself…EVERYTHING. Why? Cuz I like to ROLEPLAY well on a ROLEPLAYING mud.
So I’m playing the female character, not once saying “Hi. I’m a female player.” Why? Because it’s a ROLEPLAYING mud, not a play-your-own-sex MUD.
In fact, nowhere (I looked) in the: helpfiles, website, discussion board, all going back OVER A DECADE does it ever once, in any way, explicitly or implicitly say (or suggest) that you should play your own gender.
Ok, so I roleplay Evie AS Evie. Cuz, you know…ROLEPLAY. And I meet this other character…let’s call him Mr. I.
(Although his real name is this: Iancu Oash, Lord of a Noble House, the stocky, spade-bearded man, tiny penis (that last one is pure conjecture))…
…Played by someone who’s been playing Armageddon for TEN YEARS…so…you’d expect they’d know how to/want to ROLEPLAY. And they’d know the rules about NOT USING OOC KNOWLEDGE IC. Huh?
And there’s HOURS and HOURS and HOURS of roleplay, eventually, between myself and Mr. I. EVERY time he sees me, he seeks a way to RP…and vice versa, cuz that’s…IN CHARACTER (see “ROLEPLAY”) since our CHARACTERS really like each other/work closely together.
He says how much he adores me, how wonderful I am, how in 20 years he’s never blah blah blah but with me blah blah blah, how he very much (in slightly subtle terms) wants to sleep with me, how he wants to take care of me forever, how he wants me to never touch another man, how he’s “willing to go as slow as I need” (Puppy translation: I wanna fck you so bad that I’ll wait for the MudSex until you’re good and ready, just PLEASE don’t fck anyone else cuz I’m like, sensitive!). I mean, he ASKED me to be his concubine. FLAT OUT.
Then, after he finds out PLAYER is male (because he ASKED ME PERSONALLY to request access to a board which ASKED ME to give my GDB name, which SAYS my gender…not like I said “haha I’m a guy!”), I send him two messages. Both to the effect of: I realize that now that you know player is male, you may feel uncomfortable with certain aspects of roleplay, I would be HAPPY to change (WITHIN REASON) as long as it’s IC if you are uncomfortable, please write back I just want to keep playing…all very polite, respectful…respecting PLAYER as a person.
And what do I get? No response, even though he got my message (at least the first one the same day…)
And CHARACTER suddenly, for no adequately explored reason, goes from “COMPLETE DEVOTION” to “casual business relationship”???. NO in character reason…at least, that’s what he suggested in his (eventual) reply.
*After I spend HOURS rearranging his barracks with him gone for male-playing-female avoidance reasons…”Let’s let the newb do the grunt work before we ditch her/him”*
Ummm…this is one of our VETERANS, Armageddon?
I mean, I’m not saying that anyone’s homophobic, but let me quote Kurt Cobain:
“I am not gay. But I wish I were, just to piss off homophobes.”
A ten-year-vet NEWB. SAD.
Oh, on a side note:
Orin, who appeared as soon as I logged on (Day two, A.I. (After Iancu)) and seemed to be trying to annoy ummm…my CHARACTER…and who was, out of four applicants, the only one selected to join Iancu’s House):
Date Player Registered: December 15, 2002
Player Of Iancu:
Date Registered: December 19, 2002
“Why, that’s the exact amount I just gave Mr. Scroggins!”
“Well ain’t that a coincidunce!”
“All I want is what your MUD claims to be: IC handled IC. If he doesn’t like it, and thinks it’s “unfair” to have to RP with a male player…well, to quote one of Armageddon’s rules…tough. Live
with it or not.”
“I mean, I’d say just ask him. Ask him if we RPd very intimate scenes, he told me a secret that would get him killed, he offered to buy me anything I wanted, he said “You are my Aide and Concubine”…and if he’s slimy enough to lie, I guess I get screwed. Because he did all those things, and now he’s trying to say “well, I actually wasn’t even sure what role she would have…”. Because he found out I’m male. OOC info, used IC. It’s as simple as that.”
“It’s about the fact that he told me he would radically alter his IC roleplay based on OOC information.”
I’d like to point out, any opinions expressed are all my SUBJECTIVE OPINI ONS, for purposes of CRITICAL ANALYSIS. I COULD be wrong…I mean…yeah…but I COULD.
-Puppy >.< Yip!
It’s Finished! My Masterpiece!
I shall call it ‘A Maid On A Night Out, Winding A Grandfather’s Clock, With Her Left Hand’.
But first, a bit of fun.
Ok, so pretend Evalyn is the mummy, and Iancu Inky-Baby is Beni after finding out that Evie is played by a male.
-Puppy >.< Yip!
10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – An interesting bit with an interesting character from a pretty good movie. (housekeeping)
Armageddon MUD
More harsh than ‘Harshlands’.
Takes place in a desolate desert world where survival is quite difficult.
The harshness seems uniform: I’ve seen no evidence of any sort of preferential treatment. Everyone suffers just the same. (That’s a compliment, and a joke. Ha ha)
The application process requires approval, which keeps vaguely interested people out. This helps weed out the poor RPers…but I stress “helps”.
Now, to survive takes a certain amount of intelligence and/or luck. That selling point is true. So, if you don’t excel at either, you shouldn’t play. If you want a “test”, this is as good as I’ve found in a MUD.
On the other hand, to “survive” and to “roleplay well” are not inherently intertwined. Intelligence/luck (survival) and roleplay ability (imagination) have very little to do with each other.
So contrary to what you might hear, this is not a den of roleplaying excellence.
It’s what every decent MUD is, in that respect: There are a few GREAT roleplayers, there are a lot of good roleplayers, there are a lot of mediocre roleplayers, there are a fair amount of poor roleplayers, and there are a few wretched ones.
I do have a more-than-vague suspicion that there are SOME people that play because they’re nasty IRL and use this as an outlet (hey, as long as it’s in character) and a very few that play because they’re sadists. But the majority are relatively sane.
Written while playing actively and in a good fcken mood, so take this above any prop sh1t you read anywhere else.
-Puppy >.< Yip!
Back In The Saddle
A portion of how I get in the mood for playing my most recent character:
Good thing reading isn’t allowed.
Find me and win a prize!
-Puppy >.< Yip!
FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Clip is a rather “momentous” part from the poor man’s ‘Raiders’. Good, not great.
Subeta Review
As of late I have been playing Subeta quite a bit. It’s sort of like NeoPets. I’m fairly into it at the moment, but I shall attempt to suspend that for an honest evaluation. Vis:
If you’re looking for games, this is NOT the place to go. At all. In any way. The games are very limited in choice and aren’t particularly exciting.
There are frequent pauses, mini-crashes, etc.
The world is much smaller.
The player base is much smaller.
However…as of this writing, at least, I prefer it to Neo.
Why? Because I’ve seen at least some real evidence that the staff actually gives a fck about the players. Are they doing it because they’re nice, or to get new players? Probably some of both. But I like staff that gives a fck.
Also because there are lots of things to do, if you don’t demand actual games. Like Neo, it’s for kids AND adults, so some things seem a bit childish/amateurish to me. But it’s got a certain cutesy-japanese-anime charm to it, and so far the other players have shown to be nice, overall, from my experience. And the ads are far less intrusive and annoying.
Anyhoo that’s it for now, screw watching cr@p movies for you people when I’m (at least temporarily) into this. Look at my back catalog. No offense.
-Puppy >.< Yip!
NeoPets – A Gloating, Cackling Update
See previous NeoPets site reviews, change 4 to 6 (same-day edit: 7), new high score is 2806.
-Puppy >.< Yip!
NeoPets – The Tomb Of The Unknown Score
First, an explanation/warning of a problem I encountered on Neopets.
Second, a general NeoPets review (Hey come on, I put seven/eight solid days of work into this!).
Fifth, a description of screen shots I have and how they’re relevant. No, I’m not going to upload them. Why? Because I don’t care if you believe me, and because you probably are bored by this enough already.
Well, let me just use mostly email quotes from me and TNT (That’s an acronym for The Neopets Team, for those in the know).
8/9: Timeline event – Neopets account created.
8/13: 1st place overall score, listed in BIG LETTERS on a game page, held by me, vanishes. Now, and this becomes important later on, notice the month of creation and the month of high score gaining. YES! They’re the same!
8/13-8/14: Mentioned problem, got this response: “We will look into it Thanks!”
8/16: Wrote to ask about progress of looking, since score still gone and no info given. Received this response: “Thank you for contacting us via the Feedback form. If, in fact, you have an actual support issue regarding your account, please submit a ticket here:”. No, I don’t have an actual support issue, I’m quite deliberately wasting your time. Well, except for the deleted/vanished score support issue, there’s that.
8/19: From me: “It’s been four days, my ticket has been closed without resolution, only reopened when I suggested I was considering writing about the state of Neopets customer service, and still I’ve received absolutely no idea whatsoever why my number one score in Lost City Lanes was deleted, after having been delayed acceptance to VERIFY legitimacy, and then approved. And posted to the high score list, giving me a trophy I still have even though according to the game itself, I have NEVER played it.
So, just letting you know I’m working on my piece. If you’re not going to do anything about it, the least you can do is tell me “We’re not going to do anything about it” instead of just…nothing. Let me know, thanks.”
8/21: …As for your score, High Score trophies are awarded only once per day, sometime in the early morning Neopian Standard Time. In order to receive a trophy you will need to be in a qualifying position in the High Score Table at that exact moment. If you send
a qualifying score after this time you’ll need to maintain your top spot to qualify for the next day’s trophy.
Please note that scores being reviewed are NOT posted until the score has been approved by our moderation team. This means that it will not post to the High Score table, no matter how awesome your score was, until it’s approved. By the time it is approved
the score may no longer qualify for a trophy but this is not a bug, just how the system works…
8/21: My response: “Hello. The fact that I have a 1st place trophy in Lost City Lanes is proof, by your own words, that I MUST have achieved a top three score, this month (since this is my first month of playing), in Lost City Lanes that was accepted and posted to the high score table. I have screen shots to verify this.
My score was reviewed, and accepted. And I have screen shots of this as well. A few days later, it was deleted, after I received the proper trophy for having the number one overall score, which I worked very hard to get. The deletion came without any explanation whatsoever, and after nearly a week there is still no explanation. I can only infer from that that Neopets does not thoroughly investigate such matters, for if you did you would certainly have a reason for the deletion of my high score, or at least could have been able to tell me what you just told me, which is nothing I didn’t already know, almost a week ago when I first mentioned the problem.
I will no longer be using Neopets, and I will be posting a message concerning these events to inform anyone who may be playing/thinking of playing of what can happen to something that you work very hard to get, using the screen shots and information I have gathered.
Thank you, and goodbye.”
Part Two:
Suggested new NP ad slogan:
Neopets: Your home for more ads than Live365!
OR, you can pay 8 bucks a month and they take away the ads. And that’s about it. Really…the “extras” are inconsequential except for the SSW (Super Shop Wizard), and if you think you really NEED that, just remember: It’s a GAME…”Neopoints” don’t actually exist. It’s a bunch of pixels on a screen that you’re paying 8 bucks a month to see slightly altered.
In all honesty, the games (a lot of them, at least) are top-notch as far as simple online goes. But that doesn’t get any better for 8 bucks a month, and when your number one score in a game can get mysteriously deleted by a HUGE company that should have software that excludes the “random deletion” effect, it takes away a bit of the fun.
Part Three:
ScreenShot 1: My adorable sweet cute lovey-dovey sweet little first-place trophy!
SS 2: My account info, showing I started on 8/9 and had been playing for 3 days.
SS 3: My “High Scores” list…Lost City Lanes not there! :(
SS 4: Ticket submitted on 8/14 explaining problem IN DETAIL
SS 5: This is my favorite…it’s a screenshot of the game Lost City Lanes, and it shows that my high score for the month is “N/A” and my high score OF ALL TIME is “N/A”. So, basically, I have a 1st place trophy for a game I NEVER PLAYED. That’s just priceless.
SS 6: Screenshot of my ticket being “Reopened” VERY soon after I wrote and complained and mentioned that I might complain publicly about bad CS…now ain’t that a coincidunce! Nyuk nyuk nyuk…
SS 7: Ummm…just a later copy of 6, with nothing being done after 4-5 days.
SS 8: Ummm…see above. Redundancy, you know, Mr. Hunter.
SS 9: Screenshot showing the “My Support” section, which vanishes conveniently whenever I REALLY want to look at it, or if I complain (for a while). Naughty me!
SS 10: Screenshot showing the entire “Help” section after I complained again, which is mysteriously completely blank (see above).
Hope you enjoyed this! If you did, I’m Puppy! If not, I’m Penn and Teller!
-Puppy >.< Yip!
There They Go, Satisfied Customers By The Thousands!
“Hey, I actually checked out your website..and I’m totally confused on what it is exactly that you do, movie review’s, sell puppies..”
Harshlands MUD
So I fled FK seeking asylum in HL. Unfortunately…
Ok, I make my first character. Spend HOURS (really!) working on his personality, background, mannerisms, motivations…submit him. His description gets altered by a helpful Imm (cuz he thought it’d be cooler that way, not cuz it was in any way “incorrect” or “improper”), then I start out.
About 34 real hours of playing later, I’ve had about…I’ll say a good SOLID 30 minutes of roleplay.
Ok, so I decide: Every place you can possibly start, except the main city, you’re gonna be alone most of the time. So unless you enjoy typing craft commands repeatedly for days until you see a tiny increase in proficiency and emoting to NPC’s that never (in my experience) respond, you havta start there.
So I start there.
Initially it starts out good, actually. There’s other characters there, I can actually roleplay, etc…
And most of them are pretty good.
Then I go back on, walk into a tavern (everyone hangs out in taverns, even the nobles…it’s the thing) and a PC that’s a follower of the Goddess of Peace, whose followers are all supposed to be gentle and kind pacifists, acts like a total twat. I mean, I have nothing against other PC’s treating my PC-of-the-moment like sh1t…if it’s in character. But this is just some low-grade no-talent clueless player who has no idea about the Goddess she serves. Encountered her before, around a bunch of other “gentle and kind” types, and she’s SOOO nice. Encountered her again, around a typically snotty noble (Admittedly well-played, since the nobles are in fact snotty, so no complaint there) and she acts completely different. Why? My conclusion is nose-up-arse-syndrome.
So anyway, here’s the review:
-No Powergaming
-One friendly staff member (very friendly actually, hopefully you’ll get him…the Americans suck).
-LOTS of background, in game and for the setting.
-Great roleplay opportunities open up after many of your characters die. So if you have LOTS of time and LOTS of characters you don’t mind dying, eventually you can play a snob.
-Ambivalence towards reviews. You’ve gotta admire apathy, in a way.
-If you want to sit around for six hours at a bar drinking and gossiping with your friends, but you aren’t old enough to go to a bar, don’t want to drink, and/or don’t actually have any friends, you can capture the atmosphere perfectly here.
-Helpfiles are a mishmash both in setup and in writing.
-Petitions generally go unanswered (at least as a new player)
-Current game balance as of this writing is VASTLY in favor of “Good/Neutral”. So if you play an evil character, basically you’re gonna die. Or, at the very least, you’ll survive, but you’ll have noone to roleplay with. Unless you can find that one other evil character in the place you start and you’re on a similar time schedule. Then you can REALLY get to know that player…and noone else. And you can’t really do anything. Well…except crafting. Lots of crafting.
In conclusion, if you can get a few of your friends to join at the same time, you MIGHT have some fun. If not, you’re gonna spend lots of time either alone or sitting in a bar listening to people gossip.
Really…that’s it.
MAN do I miss Forgotten Kingdoms…
-Puppy >.< Yip!