There will now be a pause while I work on more of these.
If you’d like to hurry it along, an encouraging comment might help.
Or a discouraging one. Either way.
There will now be a pause while I work on more of these.
If you’d like to hurry it along, an encouraging comment might help.
Or a discouraging one. Either way.
The frame is larger than any of the others, showing a very broad area where things could possibly be.
Frame is empty except for the rather normal background and the bird, which has landed and is apparently pecking a bit at the ground.
Man is now turning away, apparently his mind switching to other, more important, things.
Grimmsy (and scythe) are moving through the air very rapidly to the left of the frame. Position is still horizontal and gravity-defying, and appearance is unchanged except that the top of the scythe and Grimmsy’s “head” (cowl, at least) are appropriately the furthest-to-the-left parts of him, indicating the manner in which he was flung.
Grimmsy himself seems a bit forlorn as he is hurtling away from the man, apparently having been flung rather strongly. His eyes reflect an appearance of what would be, were he still somewhat land-based, “gazing down”; disappointed, sad. Poor little guy.
Grimmsy remains exactly as he was in the previous frame; nothing has moved, though his eyes have lost a bit of their “command” and “focus” despite his best attempt to remain stoic under the circumstances.
Man blinks in surprise, holding Grimmsy/scythe horizontally, head tilted just slightly in curiosity, as if taking a moment to admire something odd or to recover from a momentary (mild and undisturbing) surprise.
Man’s eyes narrow a bit – expressing that he is expending much more force/effort – as he lifts the scythe, which brings along with it Grimmsy, still firmly “attached” to it, presumably where it disappears into his garment where his “hands” would be, if any. Man seems – very briefly – focused on the situation and non-bored.
Grimmsy’s eyes widen; he seems somewhat surprised, but at the same time attempting to maintain his majesty and dignity whilst being held horizontally in the air.
The law of gravity is clearly violated here – or Grimmsy has some sort of power – as his appearance is EXACTLY as it was before he was lifted: save the expression of the eyes, everything is exactly (proportionally) where it was. Nothing has moved, the cowl is in exactly the same position, the bottom of his cloak merely ends into the sky background as opposed to the grass one in exactly the same shape, etc.
The horizon in the background verifies that he is, in fact, being held quite horizontally.
Frame is smaller than the others (as above) to indicate this action takes place in a very short time.
Man furrows his brow slightly as he obviously attempts to pluck the scythe away, to no avail. Hand and body drawn to indicate the attempt in some way; momentary and slight confusion at his failure.
Grimmsy’s adorable little purple eyes narrow, he seems thoroughly focused and intense, as if putting all his will into something and emerging triumphant.
Man reaches out toward Grimmsy’s scythe and wraps his hand around the shaft of it, as if to pluck it away again. He seems vaguely annoyed and also vaguely bored, almost like he has mentally moved on to “well…what now?” (post-Grimmsy) already.
Grimmsy seems resolute and unphased, and makes no movement whatsoever, though his eyes drop from glancing up at the man’s to glancing at the hand that grips the scythe. He seems quite prepared for this, unphased since he had planned for this contingency!
Grimmsy remains as he was, purple eyes taking on a BIT more of a “commanding” look in shape as they remain firmly on the man’s eyes.
Man seems to roll his eyes slightly, expression becoming that of one resigned to doing something necessary and mildly annoying/unpleasant.
Frame size back to normal, background as above.
Grimmsy finally “speaks” (or “thinks”, or “projects”…as before, his thought bubble is just floating above him). The elegant and elaborate lettering of his thought bubble are almost Calligraphy-quality, retaining formality and composure in the face of the man’s dismissal.
Man is waiting with arms lazily crossed as Grimmsy speaks, expression more towards “get on with it!” now, facial posture slightly changed…mildly annoyed but also verging on boredom/tedium.
DIALOGUE: “Sir, it is my duty to escort you forward from this life and to your next. Your previous behavior was not appreciated, and I must insist that you come with me.”
Frame smaller than the previous ones (to scale, just smaller), as if to indicate that this takes place quickly after the last frame (moreso than normal).
Background as last frame (minor change only).
Grimmsy maintains his solemn, ritualistic politeness, gaze is the same. The man’s words do not seem to have phased him. Their eyes remain on each other, Grimmsy’s eyes glancing quite a bit upward of course. Apparently Grimmsy’s pause is longer than the man is willing to wait for a response…it seems as if the man is speaking very quickly, moreso than Grimmsy pausing eternally; politeness and all.
Man’s frown fades slightly as he seems resigned to another mildly-annoying encounter, and just wants to get it over with. He speaks in a combination of mild irritation, frustration, dismissal, and get-on-with-it!
DIALOGUE: “Well???”
No change in background except the position of the bird’s flight…very peripheral.
Grimmsy has moved to a polite distance from the man; closer but without intruding on his personal space. He apparently has stopped there, somehow drawn in a fashion indicating that. His eyes gaze up at the man and he appears solemn, as before; there is a bit of firmness in his gaze, not quite “anger” or even “irritation”…more “I hope you will behave properly this time…” He seems to pause a moment for “dramatic” effect, seemingly as a matter of formality, politeness, or the like. He seems quietly determined despite the man’s attitude.
Man’s frown is more pronounced, as if shooing away a persistent and annoying fly or somesuch. He speaks as Grimmsy hovers, text bubble normal as before.
DIALOGUE: “Not YOU again…”
In case anyone’s interested, I found this pretty darn good-looking Latin translation site with a pretty darn interesting discussion on what was really “said” in the bottom-residing clip.
(Latin translation site): You’re not so bad yourself, big boy.
Oh, I bet you tell that t- NYAH!
Anyhoo, you may find this informative and/or interesting, as it shows that in Latin the “literal” translation isn’t always the “literary” translation.
10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Good scene from an ok movie. (housekeeping)
Background is relatively unchanged; the movement of the bird in the same lazy manner indicates that time is passing, but the background remains firmly IN the background, action obviously taking place in the “front” of the frame.
Grimmsy has floated (or walked, impossible to tell from the drawing and proximity to the ground) in fully, now close to the middle of the frame and apparently still moving from the way he is drawn (moving slowly and steadily, “elegantly” and formally; his best attempt at both at least). He appears pretty much exactly as he did before, scythe “held” (or whatever) at the ready in a manner more indicating elegant, formal “show” than any plans of aggressive use.
Man hasn’t moved from his position, but he has shifted his body toward Grimmsy, eyes now fully on the cute little thing.
He no longer seems curious, or even that attentive; more annoyed (indicated by his eyes, facial expression, etc) in the manner of “Oh no, here we go again…” with a small frown as he watches Grimmsy approach.
Someone found this amusing, so I thought I’d share:
OkC Question (or very close to it)
“In the line ‘Wherefore art thou, Romeo?’ what does “wherefore” mean?”
My Answer:
“Who Cares/WTF”
My Explanation:
Billy Shakespeare: Wherefore art thou overrated?
10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Great clip from a good cartoon. (housekeeping)
Bird maintains its leisurely flight pattern.
Man still hasn’t moved his whole body, but his head has turned now about halfway to his right. Eyes appear much the same, perhaps a bit more narrowed and attentive (and curious), brow is still furrowed. Overall posture seems more attentive.
The VERY VERY edge of what could be the bottom (and out)-most part of Grimmsy’s cloak is in the far bottom-left of the frame, obviously there and obviously the exact type that Grimmsy previously “wore”, but barely-there enough that it could POSSIBLY be something else. Drawing makes clear indication it is his cloak, as if he is moving and is just entering the point of view of the frame.
The bird is still in flight, position and the way it’s drawn indicate a slow, leisurely pattern. Type is one common to park settings or suburban areas with lots of trees. (i.e. it’s not a seagull).
Man hasn’t moved position, but his head has lowered slightly. His eyes have narrowed, very slightly, and his brow is a bit furrowed; though his head has yet to turn to HIS right, his eyeballs seem to be leaning slightly in that direction and down, as if something is on the very edge of his vision/sense in some way and his eyes have taken notice but his head hasn’t realized and followed suit yet. The eyes indicate, along with his brow, both a slight change in mood (more attentive) and a bit of confusion.
Cloud pattern is normal, fairly generic. Formation, appearance, and speed of movement of the clouds is obviously different from strip one, though that is not made prominent: it’s there if “studied” but not designed to attract attention.
Partly sunny, a nice day, nothing particularly good or bad: neutral background of grass…again nothing of it made prominent (the bird is drawn/moving in an obviously peripheral manner) or exaggerated, but if studied closely obviously a different day.
Plain box, just like strip one. Grass, “time of day”, everything are close enough that it may be the same place as before (or at least very close) or just a very similar ordinary-looking place somewhere else.
Man from strip one is again on the far right of the strip. His appearance is modified slightly (different clothes, hair not exactly the same but very close) to show that time has passed but close enough that it’s clear this is the same man.
He is in much the same position: just standing there, facing slightly to HIS left, seeming calm, perhaps even a bit bored.
A bird can be seen fairly close by, towards the “back” of the frame (drawn in a way to indicate that distance and direction). Nothing distinctive about it, nothing of note.
Director David Cronenberg is linked to “body horror” films.
The thing is, unlike almost every other director linked to those, he has talent beyond camp cr@p and gore sh1t.
I did a little research (yeah, really!) and the general consensus is that Jeff Goldblum is great in this. I agree.
The way he portrays protagonist Seth Brundle – giving him a personality complete with quirks and mannerisms and an awkward sort of charm – makes you buy the character, and care about him. Always important in a lead, but especially here, where caring about Brundle is absolutely essential in having any interest in the film.
Unless, of course, you just enjoy seeing great creepy make-up and disturbing images. In that case, you may find some things here perplexing, so allow me to explain: the thing that operates throughout the film is called a “script”, the entities with real personalities are called “characters”, and the way in which the whole thing is portrayed is called “intelligence”.
Geena Davis is good as Brundle’s foil and love interest, but quite frankly Goldblum is so good as Brundle that she’s not even necessary: this could be a one-man show in Brundle’s unfashionable “home”/laboratory and it would still be interesting.
Goldblum is so sympathetic that even when he’s morphing he retains more humanity (and personality) than most probably would. And he plays each stage just as well as the original Brundle character, which, again, makes the transformation believable. And, since you care about Brundle, disturbing and creepy.
Again, if you’re just watching for the creepy makeup and images, an explanation: “humanity” in the manner I mean constitutes aspects of compassion, humor, sympathy, kindness, loyalty, self-sacrifice, and so on. Some people tend to look for that in characters, so they can have sympathy for them. If you still don’t understand, see Wiktionary entry “sympathy”.
The whole idea here is creepy, the mood is creepy, Goldblum himself (even as unassuming original-Brundle) has a tinge of creepiness mixed into his appearance and attitude, and the transformation happens slowly enough (and is portrayed convincingly enough, mentally as well as physically) to string that creepiness out over almost the entire movie.
The FX are 30 years old, so come on…it’s gonna be a LITTLE cheezy at times. And there are bits that seem disjointed, or unnecessary.
But I think it’s creepy as HELL.
Inspirational Quote: “Have you ever heard of insect politics?…Neither have I.”
Grade: B
“Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery – celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: ‘It’s not where you take things from – it’s where you take them to.'” – Jim Jarmusch
What Jarmusch is saying here is not “take other peoples work and pretend it’s yours.”
He’s saying that there is NO idea that is completely and totally original: that NOONE has ever thought of before. Even if only subconsciously, there are other influences besides just “…it just came to me and I worked everything out on my own”.
Maybe it came to you because you saw something, read something, watched something, felt something, heard something…
As I point out quite clearly in my semi-recent post on the subject, there’s a difference between “homage” (which is what Jarmusch is referring to) and NOT homage.
‘In The Mouth Of Madness’ DIRECTLY takes ideas from H.P. Lovecraft; even quotes his stories verbatim at times. But it EXPANDS on those ideas, it uses them as inspiration, as the origin of a much broader and greater (and authentic) work.
L.F. Dibley…does not.
Every comic has comedians that “influenced” them. So does every writer, every painter, every critic…
“…Comedians borrowed, stole stuff, and even bought bits from one another. Milton Berle and Robin Williams were famous for it. This was different…”
The thing is to BE inspired…to have that inspiration be AUTHENTIC; something that touches you, not something you think is “commercial” or anything else. To be open to that inspiration, to accept it, and to not be ashamed of it – since every artist, to one extent or another, consciously or subconsciously, is using at least one small part of one idea that someone else already thought of.
And then to TAKE that inspiration, and with it, and your own ideas, create something new that is worthwhile; that pleases you artistically and enhances the world in doing so.
Be inspired not greedy.
Be authentic; because you can’t be “original”.
To claim a SPECIFIC work as your own is fine.
To claim an IDEA as your own, that noone else can draw from, be inspired by…is against the very nature of art itself. It’s corporate…and quite frankly if artists get to the point where they’re like corporations (“You can’t use X phrase because I copyrighted it”), that will be a sad day for artists…and the world in general, since it will destroy creativity.
Don’t be fascist about freedom of expression.
Man has left the frame entirely, tiny scythe is back a bit lying on the grass, barely visible. Grimmsy has turned to face the reader, purple eyes deeply sorrowful and disappointed. Poor little guy.
Man has turned away from Grimmsy, facing now back to HIS left, seeming to have lost interest in him, not even bothering to gloat as the whole thing was so easy. Grimmsy’s scythe is flying toward the “back” of the frame, indicating motion that the man has absently tossed it away. Grimmsy stares rather woefully half at the man, half at the scythe, eyes starting to become sad.
Man reaches out and plucks the tiny scythe from Grimmsy’s “hands”. Grimmsy’s eyes lose their solemnness, widening/seeming completely surprised.
Man’s smirk has faded and he purses his lips again, brow furrowed in thought as if weighing a conclusion. Grimmsy simply waits, perhaps slightly less “commanding”, assuming his previous action has convinced the man that resistance is futile.
Grimmsy appears utterly solemn and lowers his “head” in a ‘commanding’ nod, eyes firmly on the man as if he is compelling him to accept his fate; that it can’t be avoided. Man’s smirk remains, appearance adjusted very slightly.
Man kind of smirks, obviously not taking Grimmsy very seriously, and gazes at his tiny little scythe. Grimmsy maintains his solemn, “commanding” appearance.
DIALOGUE: “You mean with that?”
Grimmsy responds via “bubble” (as before) as the man listens carefully, lips pursed and obviously thoughtful. The man has, very briefly, taken a very mildly serious tone; as if he’s trying to solve a crossword or something.
Grimmsy seems very solemn and serious, as if he’s trying to be commanding and fully expects the man to cooperate now. The text reflects this in that the letters are even more elaborately drawn than before; radiating an importance and semi-majesty that Grimmsy himself simply does not. The letters are not any larger nor do they in any way reflect anger. Grimmsy’s eyes have taken on a somewhat more commanding appearance; as if he fully expects his words to be heeded and taken completely seriously, though even so they aren’t particularly scary or even commanding.
DIALOGUE: “I understand your apprehension, Sir, but it is my duty to take you onward. If you do not come willingly I shall be forced to usher you onward via other means.”
Suggested Name Change
Los Angeles Angels Of Anaheim
Rod Torfulson’s Armada Featuring Herman Menderchuck
Well lucky me, I found this bit on here.
I mean, I was like “Ah, there it is, I was looking for that.”
A bit of it:
“You have 1005084 Total Visits.
Your blog gets 375.11 average post views per day.”
That was the final total from my last counter, so I’ll just adjust accordingly…
Man replies to Grimmsy, appearance somewhat thoughtful/vaguely sneaky, as if he’s looking for a way out of this. Grimmsy is unmoving, nothing else moves except the clouds, which float a little…a peaceful, normal, calm day.
DIALOGUE: “What if I don’t want to go?”
This is homage:
This is not:
Somewhere WAY in between there’s a fine line.
FAIR USE: CRITICISM – ‘In The Mouth Of Madness’ is a great homage to H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu mythos. L.F. Dibley’s ‘If’ is NOT a great homage to anything, it just sucks. Also, this is a really bad review (criticism), but it IS a review.
Man furrows his eyes a bit, lips pursed with a bit of a “hmmm” look about him. Grimmsy simply waits, cute purple eyes unblinking.
How I Feel About “Fate”:
“Machine empty. Order more fortunes today.”
Lots of time spent to make them look a teensy bit better. *shrug*
Grimmsy betrays little reaction, explaining to the man as if he apparently had prepared for such an eventuality. The man has the look of the last frame, faded/changed only slightly, thoughtfulness just faintly crept in. The background is virtually unchanged; noone or nothing else has appeared in the frame(s), the clouds have very faintly drifted.
DIALOGUE: “It is my duty to journey with the essence of what is you; to assist and expedite your arrival and to make the transition as comfortable as possible, Sir.”
Ok, ok…that’s it.
Enough with the STUPID beyond ABSURD vehicle commercials with some guy talking to people about really boring cr@p, and then he asks them a stupid, boring question and they pretend to care.
And they don’t. And…you know why. Because it’s stupid. And noone would care.
But the latest is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever seen.
The guy is talking to a bunch of kids, and asks who wants to play a video game. They all want to, but only one can! OH NO!
What to do? Well…
What if he told them that if they talked EACH of their parents into spending 30K on a car, they could ALL play a video game, TOGETHER!
Suggested realistic response by the kids, collectively:
“What are you, a moron?”
I like ‘The Hunt For Red October’, but am I the only one that has to restrain a chuckle:
1) When some extra guy says “Emergency Blow!”
2) When James Earl Jones says “Mother of God”
and a WTF?:
When Alec Baldwin knows with ‘Professional’-age-omniscience accuracy (precision?) that the guy at the end is “THE cook” (as opposed to a cook, since I’d assume a cook’s assistant has to have a boss), and WHY he is so apparently shocked by that, since he NEVER MET THE COOK BEFORE.
Is he somehow affronted that the reputation of submarine cooks everywhere has been tarnished?
Fck it.
Over a million.
9/10/16: I was in a fairly bad mood, I assume. See ‘Puppy’s All-Time Blog Hit Total’.
Man seems equal parts annoyed and confused at this point, as if the little being in front of him is becoming something of a pest. He responds in a voice that conveys that. Grimmsy’s posture and position are unchanged.
DIALOGUE: “What are you talking about?? I’m not dead…what the heck are you, anyway?”
Very faintly related to ‘Film Imitates Hagakure – Part I-Don’t-Remember’.
Look through them all. *I* didn’t write them, they’re over 300 years old and they’re still relevant, in some ways.
“We may as individuals be rather fond of our own dialect. This should not make us think, though, that it is actually any better than any other dialect. Dialects are not good or bad, nice or nasty, right or wrong – they are just different from one another, and it is the mark of a civilised society that it tolerates different dialects just as it tolerates different races, religions and sexes.”
Cheezy; yes, of course.
But somewhat enjoyable, especially near the beginning.
…but not near the end, when it gets generic, and AT the end, when it gets really generic, cliche, stupid, and mildly anti-climactic. Then again, to expect much from a King-adapted novel is not logical.
Inspirational Quote: “God I hate rock n’ roll.”
Grade: D
Grimmsy is perfectly still as he responds, in the same “tone” (font, etc) and manner as before. Man has shifted slightly with an appropriate, mildly altered stance/expression as he listens.
DIALOGUE: “I am here to assist your essential essence pass into its next form of existence.”
Grimmsy remains where he is, unmoving and stoic, as man finally replies, obviously confused and with a bit of a “WTF???” look about him. Speech bubble is obviously from his mouth, and is in normal, readable text; nothing fancy, as one would write a quick note or the like.
DIALOGUE: “What???”
Like frame four, except the man seems even more confused, tilting his head to fully take in Grimmsy and his tiny little scythe. Grimmsy is unmoving in his adorable stoic wanna-be-scaryness.
Grimmsy “speaks” – shown as text in a bubble above his figure, though without a “connection” to him…just a bubble by itself, as if it could be spoken, or thought, or magically induced. Text has a “gothic”, “formal”, and “old” look about it; in the way each letter is drawn, font, detail, etc.
The man seems even more confused as this tiny little thing addresses him.
DIALOGUE: “Excuse me, Sir. I have come to take your immortal being to its next destination.”
Grimmsy’s purple eyes gaze directly at the man’s eyes, the two seeming to take in the other. Grimmsy appears as if he is trying to be polite, “substantial” in a faintly commanding way, and quite solemn. The first and third succeed very well, the second comes across about the same as a kid threatening their parents with a plastic lightsaber. The man appears as if he is still just a bit confused and curious; mildly interested as they gaze at each other in silence.
Good: Jones
Pretty good: Snipes, Downey
Indifferent: Most of the rest
Really bad: The wig
If this came out by itself, on its own, it would be seen as a somewhat generic but decent chase/suspense/thriller/whodunit with a pretty good cast and a certain amount of intelligence.
As ‘The Fugitive 2’ it’s a huge disappointment.
So…if you’re gonna compare, don’t bother watching.
Without Harrison Ford, the focus shifts from “THE Fugitive” to “a fugitive”; Wesley Snipes is pretty good but he’s not Ford, and he can’t carry the movie.
The writer or writers probably realize this, which is why this is much less Snipes-centric than ‘The Fugitive’ was Ford-centric.
The addition of Robert Downey Jr helps, the lines are spread out more among Jones’ crew, and it becomes much more about the chase/suspense/thriller/whodunit aspect than the rooting-for-a-likeable-character aspect.
If you like TL Jones’ character and crew, give it a watch. If not, skip it.
Grade: C
Man seems confused and somewhat interested but not at all afraid as Grimmsy floats (or walks) closer, his entire tiny form now fully visible, in the middle of the frame, a polite distance from the man.
Man’s head has turned slightly to HIS right, not quite directly towards the left side of the frame but enough to indicate something there has attracted mild interest in some way.
From stage left a very small being, no more than two feet high (in scale), has started to enter the frame.
Figure appears as follows: covered from “head” to “toe” in a long black garment; a cowl covering the “head” and draping down slightly from its apex but appearing held in place by something, and very neatly so. However nothing is visible under the cowl except for a pool of pure blackness, absolute and complete with the exception of two purple eyes that seem to glow slightly in an otherworldly fashion. The placement of the eyes indicates they may be attached to a “head” (and the relative distance from the top of the cowl indicates the same) of some sort, but nothing else is visible in that regard. The garment itself trails down from the cowl to the very top of the path: the appearance indicates the being may be either walking or floating, it’s impossible to determine. The fabric appears old, almost ancient, but is undamaged. The garment comes out from the bottom of the cowl in the front at a very slight angle, maintaining that until it reaches the same point as in the back; again suggesting a physical form may be there though none can be seen. The appearance is clearly supernatural but so tiny and with such cute big purple eyes that the effect is more “awwww” than fear.
Figure is holding a very real-looking scythe: appearance is of an extremely miniature version of what WOULD be, if much larger, a rather dangerous (and sharp) looking weapon. As it is, the relative size of it makes it rather underwhelming. How the scythe is being held is unclear: its appearance originates from the section of the garment where sleeves would be (and are drawn, again in the fashion of possibly containing a physical form), but the base of the weapon disappears into the sleeves near where “hands” might be, without showing whether they exist one way or the other.
There is a certain ominous air about the figure in all drawn aspects; the vast majority does not look “cute” in and of itself, but the size of the figure and the weapon it wields (as well as the purple eyes, which seem quite neutral, not sinister) combine to form a rather odd picture…unusual to say the least.