1) I WILL try harder!
2) You gotta start somewhere.
3) Please, someone tell me I suck and won’t climb up.
Semper Puppy Mach – Rankings
Grunge: 1st
Classic Alternative: 7th
Indie Rock: 14th
Overall: 507th
All-Time Highs:
Grunge: 1st
Classic Alternative: 7th
Indie Rock: 14th
Overall: 464th
Last Updated: 1/12/16
1/14/16: NOTE: 1/12/16 will be the last update, barring a miracle. With stations disappearing left and right, the numbers would begin to be a bit misleading. But hey…I did as well as Mach 2. Of course, you never forget your FIRST time… *sigh*
Hashtag ThreeTimeChamp
-Puppy >.< Yip!
Semper Puppy Mach
Link to my new online radio station is now on my website – that would be dapuppy.com of course.
Or you can just search live365.com for “Semper Puppy Mach 2222”.
Or you can not give a d@mn.
It’s somethin alright.
-Puppy >.< Yip!
I Love The Smell Of Vitriol In The Morning
“I guess you were hoping for a woman who pitied you enough to think your jobless, carless, psychological need for intense cuddling and likely, eventual asexual relationship was going to be appealing. I’m sorry that I don’t share your lackluster desire participate in life, nor your need to self-righteously preach to other people your personal views. Everything about your profile suggests someone who is clinically depressed and I’m not interested in rescuing anybody, nor will any other person who gives a sh1t about forming healthy relationships.
You’re right, I feel much better now, Thanks!”
erzulieschild, OkC. (Edited only for naughty content)
You know what annoys me the MOST about this message? I spent DECADES trying to come up with a good summary of myself and then she comes along and gets it just like THAT.
Fifteen Million Merits for her.
-Puppy >.< Yip!
MUD Top Ten Rankings – Pupdate
Roleplay-Enforced MUDs search on TMC finished.
List unchanged (except for addition of 11th).
Puppy saddened.
The Whisperer In Darkness (2011)
I DON’T understand…AT ALL…WHY, for the love of Cthulhu, there haven’t been ANY good film adaptations of Lovecraft’s work (that I’ve seen) beyond ‘In The Mouth Of Madness’.
Surely the source material is good enough, and imaginative enough, and creepy enough…for SOMEONE to take those ideas and transform them into a movie that’s somewhat worthy of the source.
But ITMOM is the only success I’ve seen.
And, while I applaud the appreciation of the material that this film (and some others) show(s), it is “well-intentioned”; like everything except ITMOM, a regretful if (in some cases) sincere failure.
Grade: F
Film Imitates Hagakure – Part Nineteen
“…The way of avoiding shame is different. It is simply in death. Even if it seems certain that you will lose, retaliate. Neither wisdom nor technique has a place in this. A real man does not think of victory or defeat. He plunges recklessly towards an irrational death. By doing this, you will awaken from your dreams…”
FAIR USE: CRITICISM – A great example of determination, in a good scene, from what is considered by at least one fictional character as “the sweatiest movie of all time”.
City Of The Living Dead (1980)
AKA ‘The Gates Of Hell’
Sh1tty Italian zombie flick.
Lots of eyeball close-ups.
21:16 – The endangered-crotch guy from ‘The Dead Talk Back’ could have finally made a sale.
58:28 – The BBC should have put ‘Gardening Club’ here.
Question: Why does Dunwich occasionally turn into a jungle?
Grade: F-
NeoPets – Lost City Lanes
Actual high score as of now: 2912
Holder: Me
The Way Things Are
It’s amazing, I think…how some people can watch a movie like ‘The Shawshank Redemption’, and CRY – like I do – and then proceed to show that their tears were false; evoked by outside forces but not really felt, as meaningless as any other lie.
10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Good clip from a great movie. (housekeeping)
Oh Well (Part 3…)
OkC – Exploration Of A Strange New World (Part One)
Entry One: As I move through this strange new land, I find myself slowly becoming accustomed to the habits of the natives. I was surprised at first when I discovered that everyone here likes both ‘Amelie’ and ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’…but I’ve come to accept, if not fully comprehend, it.
Entry Two: Cursory examination of the landscape itself reveals apparent lacks of genuine substance in areas dubbed “fourth down the list” and “seventh down the list”. These areas appear, to the best of my estimation, suitable for occupying space between the other, more solid areas. As such I assume they are necessary, though I am at a loss to explain why or how they developed in the first place.
Entry Three: I have performed some basic testing on the natives. My results are shocking – though admittedly this is a VERY small minority, some of them have answered “Yes” to the following questions:
1) Would you sleep with a serial killer?
2) Would you date a cannibal?
Or perhaps the actions are reversed, I admit I am a bit shaken by the results. However, this does lead me to a conclusion that is very similar to the innovative ‘Penguin Experiments’ conducted many years ago:
These people score poorly when compared to primitive human sub-groups like the Bushmen of the Kalahari, but better than BBC Programme Planners. The clarity is devastating.
Dating: Substance Over Situation
So…”ideal date”…I don’t get that.
I UNDERSTAND…I just don’t get it. Like Michael Stipe and “this fame thing”. (My periods are above the normal laws of English).
Everyone knows, deep down inside at least, that the answer to this question in the basic, expected sense (dinner and a movie, meet for coffee, meet for tea, meet in the middle of a rubbish dump, etc…) is VIRTUALLY meaningless compared to what you’re REALLY thinking/feeling when you ask/are asked that.
Which is: “Who gives a sh1t? The most wonderful situation would be ruined by the wrong company and the most mundane, boring situation would be vastly improved by the right company.”
It’s a cr@p question. It’s part of the charade…I mean, noone CARES about half the stuff on a dating site. It’s trivial and unimportant, put there to fill up space between the things people actually DO care about.
Which would be: What do they look like, how do they think, how do they “feel”, what do they believe, what do they want…you know, things that actually really matter when it comes to compatibility.
The rest is, in comparison, meaningless.
It’s the civilization of dating/mating; a way to make it easier for shallow people to find each other, and for non-shallow people to weed out the shallow ones. Nothing more. (Per JJ: ItMoM, JT)
It would serve just as well, but be considerably more honest/less subtle, to simply have (apart from the necessaries described above) a section labeled: “Write whatever you want:”
That’s what people are looking at. Noone cares what your favorite food is, not REALLY. They want to see “you”. They want to see how you present yourself. At least, I HOPE most people are this way…it would be sad if someone actually messaged someone else MAINLY because they both like the oxford comma.
So if you see a profile where they skip the BS and just get right to the point, it’s not necessarily because they have nothing to say. It’s not necessarily that they “don’t care”. It MAY be because most of the questions asked are deemed unworthy of lengthy answer, since they essentially don’t mean a d@mn thing. Therefore, to not answer is a legitimate means of expression.
Or, they just don’t give a sh1t. Too close to call, really.
BTW…why the fck does everyone like ‘Amelie’?
Pupdate – 9/27/15
Everyone is still smarter than I am.
The Approximate Level Of Importance I Place In The Opinions Of People I Don’t Give A Fck About
Of course, they shouldn’t give a fck about this.
FAIR USE: CRITICISM – I hold no rights to this clip nor am I profiting by it in any way. I am using it as a means of criticism. Also, to criticize IT: it is a brilliant display of dismissiveness towards someone one cares nothing about.
NeoPets – Lost City Lanes
Actual high score as of now: 2732
Holder: Me
And I Take My Rightful Place At The Head Of The British Common Market.
The First Step
Fearless (Waters, Gilmour) 6:08
“You say the hill’s too steep to climb
Climb it.
You say you’d like to see me try
You pick the place and I’ll choose the time
And I’ll climb
That hill in my own way.
Just wait a while for the right day.
And as I rise above the tree lines and the clouds
I look down, hearing the sound of the things you’ve said today.
Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd
Merciless the magistrate turns ’round
And who’s the fool who wears the crown?
And go down,
in your own way
And every day is the right day
And as you rise above the fear-lines in his brow
You look down, hearing the sound of the faces in the crowd.”
Ya know’t I mean?
Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 100)
If you’re ever talking to someone and they go from intelligent to borderline insane (or are in flux between with destination obvious), don’t panic. Oh, and HHGTTG is vastly overrated. But I digress…don’t panic, just pretend you’re on the Enterprise and you have Spock there just in case and they’re saying “Colleagues…” (Or “Seminars…”, or both).
Also, I believe I mentioned this before but it might help to imagine Curly Howard’s reaction when he’s freaked out/suddenly surprised about something in mental response to the original imagining.
Here’s a good example:
That should do you really wonders.
Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 99)
My next DPT will have a 50 percent bonus in the region of…
Great Name For A Character That Would Be ‘Medievalesque’-Or-At-Least-Weird-And-Not-Modern Enough To Get Accepted On A MUD…Probably (Part One)
The Inevitable Realization For All Sh1tty Groups
10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Good clip from a great show. (housekeeping)
…So Is Every Character You’ve Ever Made (Or: Why You’re A Fcken Moron If You Dismiss Anna’s Songs As “Unoriginal”)
“If an artist may say nothing except what he has invented by his own sole efforts, it stands to reason he will be poor in ideas. If he could take what he wants wherever he could find it…his larder would always be full, and his cookery might be worth tasting.”
“Every idea is a juxtaposition. That’s it. A juxtaposition of existing concepts.”
“All writing is in fact cut-ups. A collage of words read heard overheard. What else?”
And, My Top Three (Well, I Did STEAL THEM ALL, But…)
3) “The beauty of the collage technique is that you’re using sounds that have never met and were never supposed to meet. You introduce them to each other, at first they’re a bit shy, clumsy, staring at their shoes. But you can sense there’s something there. So you cut and paste a little bit and by the end of the song you can spot them in the corner, holding hands.”
2) “Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different. The good poet welds his theft into a whole of feeling which is unique, utterly different from that from which it was torn; the bad poet throws it into something which has no cohesion.”
1) “Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is nonexistent.”
-Puppy (The third letter stole from the first, and the fourth stole from the first AND the third!)
Spock’s Reaction
From IP: in The Netherlands.
NOTE TO SELF: Think of an interesting name to dub them.
Hey, nice to see you again. I was beginning to get worried.
Crazy Swedes…
“They’re (Dutch).”
And Now…
“…why are you probing my website?”
10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Decent clips from a movie/show. (housekeeping)
Anna Dalton – She Is Violinist Hear Her Emote (Composition Three, Final Draft)
This is a song Anna played for her husband when she wished to relax him, or as he fell asleep – if he needed to – without her.
pose shifts the violin ever-so-slightly against her left shoulder, cradling it now as a newborn; something treasured, precious, delicate. Her head lowers to the point where it actually is touching the base of the instrument, making them, for the moment, joined. As her eyes begin to close, she exhales once, softly but faintly audible. Eyes closed completely, her right arm lowers the bow to slightly below the bottom string of the violin, hovering just above it for a moment or two.
pose begins to raise the bow…and the sound is very soft, gentle, soothing. She seems to glide along just over the strings, barely touching them, drawing forth muted, gentle responses. Eyes remaining closed, her expression does not change at all as the quiet melody begins to unfold; gradually, in no hurry to present itself.
pose continues to play, and the melody is a very simple, basic one; subtle variations and reprises of a fairly short series of notes. The tone continues to be soft, soothing…suitable for dancing, even, perhaps, if one was inclined to dance to such music. She moves the bow very calmly, as if she has all the time in the world to play, allowing the notes to gently emerge.
pose seems proficient enough, especially given the relative simplicity of the arrangement, as no mistakes are audible…the bow simply slides, slowly, back and forth…matching the notes, the very subtle swaying of her head…eyes still closed, face serene, soft, and gentle. They continue to pour out, similar enough to sustain a consistent melody, but varied enough to keep things from becoming monotonous, beginning to sound very much like the gentle lapping of small waves; over and over, almost hypnotic in their simple, basic beauty.
pose continues this for some time, the sounds washing and echoing faintly, expressing a different place, a different world.
pose seems to reach a point where she pauses the song; she simply plays the same three notes, all as soft as whispers, repeatedly, over and over. Her movements match the notes, and her focus is just as it was at any time before; she seems lost in her music, as if she is playing as much for herself, perhaps, as anyone else that may be present.
pose returns, after a bit, to the gentle, simple melody. The variations are slight…still calm, the lapping of the waves fading barely, giving the impression of time passing; the tide slowly going out, returning to its home. She plays this for quite a while, altering it just enough but maintaining the basic, simple melody.
pose pauses, eyes still closed, bow still on the strings, for a moment…the music virtually fades away before she moves her arm again, drawing out the soft notes out individually now, separately, displaying each as if they are saying their sad goodbyes. Eventually, reaching the end of the melody, she pauses, hesitant to release as the notes were…lifting the bow gently up, she exhales almost inaudibly.
Anna Dalton – She Is Violinist Hear Her Emote (Composition Two, Final Draft)
This is the last song Anna wrote before her husband’s death…he wanted something upbeat after all her sad songs, so she composed this for, and about, him. It is her most special composition.
pose shifts the violin ever-so-slightly against her left shoulder, cradling it now as a newborn; something treasured, precious, delicate. Her head lowers to the point where it actually is touching the base of the instrument, making them, for the moment, joined. As her eyes begin to close, she exhales once, softly but faintly audible. Eyes closed completely, her right arm brings the bow to just above the top string of the violin.
pose draws the bow very slowly down, and a somewhat melancholy sound begins to coalesce; not truly depressing, but definitely on the sad side of the musical spectrum. Judging by the way the music emerges from the violin it seems almost as if she is playing intentionally in slow motion; the sounds and notes seem more suited for a faster pace, but are slowed – and quite probably saddened – intentionally, as if to accentuate their meaning, each one a special entity unto itself.
pose has her eyes closed, and her focus is absolute as the melancholy notes continue to emerge; rather than simply melting into the music she seems to submerge herself in it, to play with a loving, tender reverence. The veil she wears seems to heighten this effect, as if she has almost disappeared into what has been created and is being created. The notes bend, creak at times; but these are minor flaws, and the emotion and power of them are not lessened by the woman’s lack of mastery.
pose continues to play, slowly; her pace seems unshakable, an absolute focus, a certainty. The notes continue to bend and emerge sadly-tinged, bow moving up and down the strings at different varieties of slow, slower, slowest, creating different varieties of twisted, faintly tortured musings. They are seamless in that her hand never stops moving, but the motion is uneven, plying different noises from different places; reluctantly pulled out, perhaps, before the bow moves on to the next.
pose pauses – for the tiniest fraction of a moment – on certain notes; these seem to be fairly regular but not perfectly spaced, and at these points the sadness swells even more, pained notes declaring their esteemed positions at the heights of her bow’s movements and the song’s importance. The cracks seem to emerge the most here, but it seems almost as if that is intentional, as if she is pushing the notes as far as they will go, bending them until they creak in nearly breaking.
pose seems to alter and repeat this process then, the same method but with slightly alternately-tinged notes, slightly altered high points, slight variations…all the while, there are cracks in the smoothness of the playing, but they seem to be completely ignored and, in fact, the bow seems to linger in special attention on some of them. Finally coming to the end of the refrain, she slides the bow, now very gently, down the length of the instrument, pulling a few last sad notes from the strings.
pose slides the bow up instantly upon the last note fading and disappearing; her movements are as exaggeratedly fast as the previous ones were slow, though now it seems right, proper, completely true, as if the song had simply been waiting to come alive. The results are no longer sad: tiny pauses, only, separating proud, confident music; as majestic as the highest mountaintop, the most beautiful rainbow. The peaks of her playing, now, are almost exhilarating in their sweep and power, and she plays with utter and complete confidence, in tune with such music.
pose continues to play, bow moving at a furious pace as it proudly and defiantly elicits gorgeous swaths of occasionally flawed beauty; fairly regularly – but inexactly – placed pinnacles, each as surprising in its emergence as it is majestic. They seem to be never-ending; their energy appears able to last a lifetime. Her appearance doesn’t change except for the speed of her playing; she plays with virtually the same near-stillness of body, and the same expression, as she had previously.
pose seems tireless as the bow moves with remarkable speed, the music seeming alive and vibrant, unquenchable. It seems to slow, then, just slightly, as the volume drops just as slightly; melody not quite as powerful, but seeming satisfied to be that way, as if it has screamed out in defiance and is now content to simply reinforce such defiance and allow it to echo repeatedly. It slows, again; the bow gradually taming the relentless cries of defiant, undeniable life.
pose finally brings the song to a pause, suddenly, bow actually stopping for just a moment, allowing one last content, more subdued note to be drawn out fully and extended before moving down in a final reprise of the power and beauty of the highest notes, rephrasing their scream and focusing it, one last time, to greatest effect and at greatest volume. It seems to dare to be repudiated, declaring its unwillingness to die. She then stops, suddenly, lifting the bow from the violin as the last note fades away as quickly as it came. She is stark silent for a moment, unmoving, and then lowers both the bow and her head slightly.
Anna Dalton – She Is Violinist Hear Her Emote (Composition One, Final Draft)
This composition is typical of most of Anna’s work: sad, somber, mournful. Most of her pieces are slow, so the fast motions here are somewhat unusual, but they do exist in some other pieces. As with all her compositions, this was not “written” in the actual sense of notes. It was played, by ear, over and over, until she felt it sounded as it should. She took notes (as she always does), but these consisted of general ideas and vague indications of tone shift, “louder”, “softer”, etc…not actual musical notes. And, like all of her compositions, it is always open to changes she feels…it is “alive”, like her husband.
pose shifts the violin ever-so-slightly, cradling it now as a newborn; something treasured, precious, delicate. Her head lowers to just above it as her eyes begin to close. She exhales once, softly but faintly audible, as her eyes shut fully, her right arm bringing the bow to just above the top string of the instrument. She seems to virtually melt into the violin as the string is touched by the bow, eyes clenching slightly just as sound emerges from her delicately-held instrument. It is faint, at first; as something beginning to grow from the smallest of seeds, breaking from nothingness into reality. The sound, quiet as it is, is decidedly mournful: a sad, longing, hopeless cry…destined to suffer for all eternity.
pose holds her wrist steady; it does not move except as it is drawn by her arm, as if the bow and arm were the only things allowed this luxury, two objects coming together to produce a whole. She glides the bow very, very slowly down from the top string, the quiet cry becoming louder; hopeless, despairing, opening up its sorrow to the world. That one note is sustained as the length of the bow moves down, her hand almost touching the mournful string as its call seems to reach its highest point; still not loud, but having risen steadily on the bow’s slow journey downward.
pose moves her head – and the violin – the slightest bit then, pulling the bow back up much more quickly than it had gone down. This slightly faster pace elicits three distinct notes, played so close together that they almost meld into one, their sounds similar to each other but quite different from the mournful downward note; while still sad, the music which emerges is at the same time defiant and strong, attempting to soothe the pain of the original note, to cradle it in empathetic warmth.
pose seems completely a part of the music, now…as if perhaps it is speaking to her, as well as responding to itself. There is a split-second pause as the bow reaches back to the top of the violin before she gently lowers it down again, instrument crying out just a bit louder, sadness not comforted, despair not soothed. The note is exactly the same as the first in tone, except for the faint echo of the first soothing reply, even as the strings begin to cry once more. The answer comes again, as before, without pause; a defiant challenge to continue, to carry on, rising in power to match the louder, more baleful cry, as if trying even harder to soothe, to lift up, to strengthen.
pose repeats this motion, this action, over and over – allowing the violin to echo its call and response, each one more distinct, more powerful in its tone than the last; wailing louder and louder, responding comfort rising in challenge. After the tenth such reprise, the baleful, echoing cry seems as if cannot be more sad; dying, perhaps even dead…
pose continues, and the response is shockingly different, coming after so many repetitions of the call-and-response: the bow moves quickly, seven times, virtually flashing up and down the strings, producing a sound that seems to be a combination of the mood of the two cries, yet different from each and each other in slight, subtly altering ways; more elegant, more refined. It cracks in places, her lack of complete mastery evident…but she seems completely unfazed by any mistake, moving on, and indeed the cracks make the song itself perhaps even sadder, more real.
pose repeats this new series after a tiny pause; allowing the joined voice to speak again, dominant and powerful, loud and sweeping, ignoring or crashing over any faults with its undeniable strength. This time the series uses eight strokes, bow moving with quick, easy motions as she extends the last passage; a bit slower, flashing only slightly less. There is a feeling of faint transition, as about half of the notes alter just slightly from before as her fingers move rapidly and instinctually on the edge of the instrument, seeming part of the cohesive whole that flows elegantly now, bow tilting faintly to call forth every possible nuance.
pose continues to play, quickly and freely, arm flowing as seamlessly as if she was waving it through air, bow flashing up and down as the sound only continues to grow. The music evoked is a declarative statement spoken in elegant, seamless, slightly twisted notes; there is a raw, imperfect beauty to it, and with fifteen strokes of her arm, it seems to complete its message, as there is the tiniest of pauses…
pose then seems to re-start the new response from the beginning; after a quick burst reminiscent of the whole, she starts actually echoing it with faintly altered, smoothed, elegant notes as the bow flashes up and down repeatedly, restating the combination of sad and defiant, mournful and urging. Seven elegant strokes, then eight, then fifteen…if anything, even more refined than the first time, yet also more varied, as if the notes are emphasizing their elegance. The raw, somewhat unpolished nature is there, but her playing drowns it out in comparison. She finally reaches the last note, and seems to pause, again…
pose finishes this last message at nearly the exact point the song began…and then, very quietly, the violin begins to mourn again, the sound of the first note, slowed so that her arm seems to barely be moving, drawing all the sadness out of the strings, mixing with the echo of the much louder previous passage; its sadness seeming eternal. Eventually, as the bow reaches the bottom, the sound slows…echoes…and fades. At almost the same moment, she exhales again, faintly, and her eyes remain closed as she is as still as a statue, apparently in the thrall of what she has just played.
Song Of The Day – 9/19/15
FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Pleasantly depressing until near the end, when it reaches up in a vain vocal attempt before falling back down again.
Sad, in a good way.
Even better if it didn’t REPEAT itself so much, though. D@MN.
MUD Top Ten Rankings – Pupdate
So, I haven’t found any new MUX’s to add to my top ten list (their fault, not mine). I’m workin on it!!! There’s one that MIGHT be added, if like…anyone actually roleplays with me. Kinda necessary to judge.
BUT…I have noticed that, of the 6 included in my top ten rankings, the following has happened since I ranked them:
Forgotten Kingdoms: Down VERY slightly…but who cares?
Armageddon: No change (hard to go up from 2nd)
The Inquisition: Legacy: Up from 7th to 3rd
Burning Post II: Up from the mid-40’s to 18th
Harshlands: Up from high-60’s to 41st
No Return: No idea, haven’t followed it
So that’s pretty much:
1 Unknown (I suspect up, but not positive)
2 About the same
1 Up a fair amount
2 Up a LOT
Now, does this have anything to do with me?
I doubt it. But you never know. And it is deserved.
Coming soon to a MUX near you. MUAHAHAHAHAHA.
I Put Some SOLID Work Into This – M.C., You Shoulda Funded Him
“This is NOT a Sutter Cane story!
This is NOT reality!
NOT reality!
NOT reality!
This…is…reality. *knock knock*”
See “Homage”
Film Imitates Hagakure – Part Eighteen
“…There was a man who said, “Such and such a person has a violent disposition, but this is what I said right to his face…” This was an unbecoming thing to say, and it was said simply because he wanted to be known as a rough fellow. It was rather low, and it can be seen that he was still rather immature…”
FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Billy Bob Thornton in a small (but very well-acted) part in the movie ‘Tombstone’.
Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 98)
Tired of those annoying backing-up noises from large trucks and other such wheeled vehicles?
Do what *I* do.
Just listen to the *beep..beep..beep* for a while, get ready, and then switch into the Kirk v. Spock battle music from ‘Amok Time.’
New Review For Every Song With A Repeating Riff
Rolling Stone has some SERIOUS re-writing to do.
Attempted Computer Hacking…Is A Very Serious Crime
Originating from IP: in The Netherlands.
Well, I suppose it might have ORIGINATED from somewhere else, and went through that IP. But that’d be more than one IP!
And no, I don’t have RevSlider. But thanks for checking!
MUD Review – Threshold
No review of roleplay.
This is a MUD that heavily “encourages” you to PAY-TO-PLAY after you’ve played a certain number of hours…if you don’t, you eventually show up on a list. What is this, ScarletLetter MUD?
I mean…it isn’t the pay aspect that bothers me. It’s the fact that you don’t necessarily FIND OUT about this until you’ve invested some time in the game…therefore making it possible you’ll like it (or hate it, I have no idea) and THEN find out, thereby making it more likely you’ll pay.
I just don’t agree with that.
Burying The Ex (2014)
Guest Review:
“How could any man do such monstrous things?”
“Mr. Dante??”
Grade: F
MUD Review: The Search Continues…
I won’t mention the MU(x) name, since I didn’t actually play it…just a quote here:
“Brambling pages: you will need to think about the other things, and then justify it in the questionnaire. You are making a STARTING character…”
Apparently, it’s not appropriate for a STARTING character to be “very good” (4) at something they’ve practiced for 21 years…there.
Well…in my subjective opinion.
and ON, and ON, and ON…
“(An Imm, name withheld cuz they weren’t a 4 at anal-retentive) says, “You may do what you wish. It is your opinion.”
Thank you.
Why My MUD Roleplay-Quality Reviews Are Better Than Yours
Regardless of other factors, I give what is, in my opinion, a COMPLETELY accurate assessment of roleplay quality…one unbiased by current favorites, current moods, current storylines, urgings to post reviews in exchange for Quest Points, urgings to post reviews in exchange for a pat on the head, friends I wanna suck up to IC, friends I wanna suck up to OOC, friends whose feelings I don’t wanna hurt…and so on. I mean, you know I do. And you know you don’t.
*Daffy Tongue*
MUD Reviews – Top Ten
EDIT: Includes the occasional MUSH, where noted.
To make things a bit easier, I’ve decided to rank all the MUDs I’ve played (excluding those that are no longer active) in order of quality of roleplay.
These are all at least SOMEWHAT worth your time…the lower you go, the less so. Anything on here has at least SOME value, though…as there are dozens if not hundreds of MUDs I’ve played that range from mediocre down to so-bad-they’re-not-even-worthy-of-mention. Sort of like how I don’t review sh1t movies anymore (besides zombies, d@mn them!)…if it’s between wretched and at least of slight quality, there’s only so many ways to say “This is a really bad movie.”
EDIT, 9/12/15: Everything on TMC’s Top 20 has been tried. If it doesn’t appear here, it’s not worth your time (for roleplay). It may be worth your hack n slash, pure PK, or other time(s)…but not roleplay.
EDIT, 9/12/15: A little more than halfway through every “Roleplay-Enforced” MUD listed on TMC. Sad but true. Please, four more.
The fact this list isn’t complete shows you I have high standards! Make use of that.
Note these are ranked according to QUALITY OF ROLEPLAY. They may be (and some certainly are) deficient in other areas (helpfiles, player/imm courtesy, ease of functions, etc…)
1) Armageddon
2) Harshlands
3) The Inquisition: Legacy
4) Burning Post II
5) No Return (MUSH)
6) N/A
7) N/A
8) N/A
9) Forgotten Kingdoms
10) N/A
T-11th) Any other MU(x). The law of averages insists there’s at least one good roleplayer SOMEWHERE on a given MU(x). Maybe you have to wait a month. *shrug* But I’m not gonna spend 20 hours to find The One *R* on every single otherwise mediocre-at-best MU(x). If you *CAN* find them, STICK TO THEM LIKE GLUE.
After this, to be honest, they do tend to get a little f@cken boring.
That’s why I stopped!
Last updated: 12/29/15
Sources Of Inspiration
Oh, for any interested TI players that might read this and that “heard” Anna play, here are the inspirations for the three songs she played (not including improv, short performances, etc):
1) See previous post, ‘Noon’
2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWV6dcv21c8
3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxgfNUYP9XY
And here’s the one I was working on:
(leaving out certain parts, with extreme variations)
And thanks for the memories. Great Party! :) (Seriously).
At least Moxie’s one note revelation saves Anna the problem of deciding which Noble House to be the Court Bard of.
MUD Review – The Inquisition: Legacy (Plus Bonus Footage)
Ok, so ‘The Inquisition: Legacy’ is moving rapidly up the TMC top 20. And probably rightfully so. Visiting recently, I found almost every player and Imm friendly, helpful, and pleasant.
The roleplay is, as with any MUD, varied. There are some people that do it very well, there are some people that do it very badly, and there are lots of people in the middle. I would add, in TIL’s favor, that – unlike say…oh, I don’t know…FK – they actually ARE Roleplay-Intensive. Roleplaying actually IS required. You have to actually play a CHARACTER. So, at least the mediocre role-players are mediocre roleplayers PLAYING CHARACTERS as opposed to say…oh, I don’t know…mediocre roleplayers doing a hang-out chat on a MUD, with nametags required to differentiate them from one another.
So I recommend TIL. And you know me…I’m a fairly harsh critic. If you like roleplaying (and can deal with the setting, of course, which is based on Medieval Inquisition-ish times) this is pretty high on the list. It’s not ‘Armageddon’, but…it’s high up.
It’s improving, too…both codewise and player-base wise. Not that more players means they’re all BETTER…but the more there are, the greater the chance…etc.
However, I don’t think I’ve ever had a reaction, from another character, in character, that was as incredibly, mind-numbingly stupid as the following:
“”Do you have more than one string on your viol, miss Dalton?…I am no musician, but I am confident that a musical piece should have more than one note played at varying speeds.” Moxie Von Demuregan says, drumming her fingers on the table.”
This is after player writes ELEVEN PARAGRAPHS describing how the song is NOT all the same, edits them AT LEAST a dozen times, and makes them as COMPLETELY EVOCATIVE as possible.
I mean, Moxie…did you even read the descriptions? Or did you close your eyes after the first paragraph? And also…are you intentionally trying to play a completely moronic character? Because if you ARE, then…well, I stand corrected, and you’re doing brilliantly. Otherwise I just…I mean, if you’re playing a character with above-moronic intelligence, you shouldn’t play them as moronic. That’s just bad form for an RPI, RP-Enforced MUD.
AT LEAST four other people (I’m being conservative here) read the same text and said, basically, some variation of “That was absolutely beautiful”, “Words can’t describe it”, “That was Heavenly”, “Amazing”…the list goes on. Oh, and many emoted having their mouths drop open, staring in amazement, being on the verge of tears, etc. So, ummm…I think the problem here is one player has no fcken clue. I mean…there are BLIND PLAYERS on TIL that can read better than Mox.
Instead of eleven carefully-written paragaphs (the length of which player of Moxie did NOT complain about…they made it clear it was the “just one note”) I probably would have gotten a more positive reaction if I had typed the following:
“pmote plays a note.
pmote plays a different note.
pmote finish.”
EDIT, 9/8/15: To those that say: “Well, anything’s okay if it’s IC” my response is this: Any SUBJECTIVE response IC to another character is one thing…a response that ignores A SPECIFICALLY STATED FACT is another. You can’t just pretend something happened that didn’t, didn’t happen that did, or speak in gibberish in terms of your reactions to other characters, cuz you feel like it. Unless you’re playing an insane idiot.
I mean, I know music is subjective…but some things are just OBVIOUS…like, if you listen to a 5-piece band play and say you only heard one instrument…and you don’t have a hearing problem…you’re quite clearly…something.
Here’s the song I describe with ELEVEN PARAGRAPHS to get her response.
I think you’ll notice, after the REALLY long intro (I started at around 2:23, so skip til then…Given 6 paragraphs), there appears to be a slight change in volume and sound (at 3:03, given 4 paragraphs…1 paragraph was the fading sound). Maybe that’s just me.
EDIT, 9/10/15: The volume of the call-and-response is actually a combination of the parts at 2:23 (softer) and the parts earlier beginning at 1:10 (louder, harsher), and then even louder, each(!) note(!!) more distinct(!!!) as it grows. Just FYI.
I think this is the proper response to Mox’s judgement:
Of course, this is ALL just my personal opinion and/or satire.
Ummm…judge for yourself. And play more than one note, d@mnit!
10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Good clips. From movies. (housekeeping)
Carrying On – A Metaphor
Commentary: Believe.
5/24/16: Imagine the scene from ‘Braveheart’ where Robert the Bruce leads the Scots in a charge against the English army.
More commentary: If they take down a link that sends a message, explain that message in words, without the clip, as a big F U.
So what happens in the clip that doesn’t work is… (watch the end of ‘Braveheart’)
Also, I think they’re running out of things for me to edit here…thank you, for every day making my website better by pointing out areas that need improvement.
One Dozen Communist Revolutions
Cesar vs. Garfield, ‘187’
Find Your Own Answers. You Haven’t Long To Read.
Actually it IS pretty long, ummm, but…anyways:
You ever seen ‘Deer Hunter’ Mr. G?
Put it to your head…
…pull the trigger.
You gonna do yourself.
*click* *click*
That macho enough for you?
That make me a man?
Take more than that to be me.
Then you do it.
Come on, maricôn.
Do it!
Vato’s scared.
He’s trying to weasel out.
He’s f@cking with your head!
Come on.
That’s not how we playing the game.
Not man enough to play your own game?
Where’s your cojones?
Shut up!
You gonna hide behind your chickensh1t homeboys?
Where’s your pride?
Come on, I pulled three times.
You ain’t pulled once.
You disrespecting me?
You saying I ain’t a man?
I’m saying you’re a fool.
Don’t be doing that sh1t, man!
You the man, Cesar.
You the man, and you ain’t sh1t!
You hear me?
What the f@ck?
Your turn.
Oh you got some respect back now?
The only thing you respect is stupidity.
You willing to die for stupidity?
See, I am, if it’ll teach you something.
You can’t kill me, homeboy.
What I am, what I was, died over a year ago.
Everything I’ve ever wanted has been TAKEN from me.
And no matter how many of you I get rid of…
…I can’t get it back!
I was a teacher!
I wanted to help you!
You can’t
kill me!
And you can’t scare me!
He’s crazy, man.
That’s right!
Isn’t that what you respect?
Loco! Come on, Cesar!
If you’re gonna be stupid, don’t be half-@ss stupid,
be all the way stupid!
Put it to your head, pull the trigger!
Do it!
Do it!
Your whole way of life is bullsh1t!
Macho is bullsh1t!
It’s all I got!
Oh so now you’re the victim?
Let me take your turn for you.
He’s out!
He’s f@cking out!
He smoked himself!
Let’s go.
Oh, man! Let’s go, homey.
He took my turn.
I could’ve taken
my own motherf@cking turn.
So f@cking what? He’s dead.
Let’s go! Come on!
I’ve gotta do this.
F@ck this!
What are you doing? Let’s go!
I got one in six chances-
I’m gonna beat this b1tch.
What the f…?
Why’d you do that, man?
What’s the f@cking point?
Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 97)
I think the following may have been a deleted scene from ‘Braveheart’:
(More volunteers coming in)
*Wallace* (to Stephen) “Check them for arms.”
*Stephen* (Gazing carefully at each of them, turning to Wallace) “They both have two.” *insane cackle*
Top Ten Above-Mediocre Season Three Star Trek:TOS Episodes
1) Turnabout Intruder
2) Plato’s Stepchildren
3) Whom Gods Destroy
4) Elaan Of Troyius
5) Spectre Of The Gun
6) N/A
7) N/A
8) N/A
9) N/A
10) N/A
The most difficult decision, of course, was deciding between number 7 and number 8.
If This Applies To You, Well That’s Just Sad – Suggested Reading For CA/As
“It has great technical skill, but its reaction to emotion is
unpredictable. It almost qualifies as a life form.”
“Hah. That’s a laugh.”
…ON, and ON, and ON, and…
“Frasier: I’ve been observing what’s been going on over here and I have something to say.
Sam: Listen up here, Woody.
Frasier: Do you realize that in the course of the evening, Diane has made 17 errors in the areas of grammar, etiquette, and statement of fact?
Diane: Frasier, your pedantry is insufferable. And you suck eggs.”
To Pedantic CA/A’s And Pseudo-Scientists – Advice From Diane Chambers
Per my previous post, perhaps this applies to me as well :(
“Frasier: I’ve been putting off telling you something, but I feel I must now. You’ve been using the word “really” far too frequently. In fact, it’s become really noticeable. It’s really quite maddening, really.
Diane: Frasier, I know you’re disappointed that I didn’t accept your invitation, but I really– I don’t think that’s any reason to get on my case.
Frasier: “Get on my case.” What a charming bit of slang.
Diane: Frasier, nitpicking at my choice of the correct modern English does not make you any more attractive to me. If that’s the purpose in your visits here, perhaps you should find another tavern in which to bore the life out of the clientele.”
Stop With The F@cken Cursing Already, Huh?
My theory is as follows:
People who use swear words every other word in conversation are like people who use the word “like” every other word in conversation. It like really gets like sort of like droning and like after like a while people just like sort of like tune out like the likes, and like they just like serve as like placeholders between like real words.
Or, as I state elsewhere:
“Expletives lose their meaning when employed constantly.”
Please…don’t turn into the “Inconceivable!” guy.
I mean, what the f@ck???
Deserving Of A Re-Post
A quote from a great review:
“It’s macho porn — the sex movie Hollywood has been moving toward for years, in which eroticism between the sexes is replaced by all-guy locker-room fights. Women, who have had a lifetime of practice at dealing with little-boy posturing, will instinctively see through it; men may get off on the testosterone rush…
Is Tyler Durden in fact a leader of men with a useful
philosophy? “It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to
do anything,” he says, sounding like a man who tripped over the Nietzsche display on his way to the coffee bar in Borders. In my opinion, he has no useful truths. He’s a bully–Werner Erhard plus S&M, a leather club operator without the decor.” – Roger Ebert
Ebert on ‘Fight Club’
Brilliant. Almost on the level of Christgau’s finest.
And a quote from a sweet, charming little unrecognized movie:
I’m Justin.
Justin…[sternly] Justin. [considering] Justin. Hmm.
And you are?
I’m what?
Your name is…
[whispering] January, February, March, April. April!
Stop! Oh! Oh oh oh! Dinner, I have a question. Did your girlfriend just make up her name?
How Not To Be Seen – Something I Saw
Around 1:14
Which wanna-be-goth is he talking about, and how did he know?
Inspired guess, I suppose.
10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Great clip from a great show. (housekeeping)