Wyrmwood: Road Of The Dead (2015)

Lots of ACTION, sfx, and attempts to be cool.

The action and sfx are somewhat impressive but mostly pointless; there to distract attention from a really mediocre script.

The attempts to be cool succeed very rarely.

Basically the only REALLY interesting thing about this movie is The Zombie Whisperer, which comes in the last third and is still contaminated by the other three.

Please adjust the grade upward relative to how much of a moron you are.

Grade: D

The World…The World…The World…SUCKS

OK I can’t find this ANYWHERE…but if anyone knows where a copy of the WAAF Rick Pitino Rant Mashup can be found, PLEASE let me know. It involves a lot of sucking.

Actual details: It’s the one where he says a few things “suck” and a few people “aren’t walking through that door”…and it’s mashed up very nicely. ME WANT!

Film Imitates Hagakure – Part Seventeen

“…In the Kamigata area they have a sort of tiered lunch box they use for a single day when flower viewing. Upon returning, they throw them away, trampling them underfoot. As might be expected, this is one of my recollections of the capital [Kyoto]. The end is important in all things…”


FAIR USE: CRITICISM – A powerful ending to a great film.

If I Dood It, I’ll Probably Hate Myself In The Morning. Well…I Dood It.

The response forthcoming, if not already in play, by FK players in Market Center (with a FEW exceptions, of course):


1) Complete ignorance of anything I’ve written, as if it didn’t exist, as if they didn’t give me more hits than I’ve had in a month. Well, mostly by one person, but…anyways, carrying on as normal, pretending what I said isn’t completely accurate…thereby making it completely accurate. (IMPO of course).

2) Using aspects of what I wrote in IC conversation…making IC references to OOC material, IC jokes to OOC topics, IC reassurances to OOC criticisms…basically, breaking the first rule of a “Roleplay-Enforced” MUD – “Stay In FCKEN Character, Dumba$$!” (IMPO of course).

I think ‘IC-OOC Crossover Is The New Anachronism’ would be a good show.

Ok, well…there’s also the EXTREMELY unlikely:

3) Learning how to roleplay better and applying such knowledge to make “RPE” actually the CORRECT label.

Hope, that small fragile flower…

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Good clip from a great show. (housekeeping)

This May Mean Something…But I’m Not Proud Of It. OH, And Also An NFL Update.

“Top Ten Visitors – By Country” I believe is the post title. It’s actually a shame I don’t still have that count. I’m pretty sure I posted it somewhere here, actually…at some point. But in any case, I’m satisfied with “over a million”.

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Good clip from a very good movie. (housekeeping)

Film Imitates Hagakure – Part Sixteen

“…Meditation on inevitable death should be performed daily. Every day when one’s body and mind are at peace, one should meditate upon being ripped apart by arrows, rifles, spears and swords, being carried away by surging waves, being thrown into the midst of a great fire, being struck by lightning, being shaken to death by a great earthquake, falling from thousand-foot cliffs, dying of disease or committing seppuku at the death of one’s master. And every day without fail one should consider himself as dead…”

FAIR USE: CRITICISM – Very good performance by Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday; two interesting scenes from the movie ‘Tombstone’.

Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 96)

Is it just me, or does the opening to “Everybody Hurts” sound a lot like the Stuart Smalley ‘Daily Affirmation’ intro music?

First, the song:


Now compare:

Of course, regardless, they’re both good enough, they’re both smart enough; and doggone it…people like them.

BTW…bite me.

A Pre-Emptive Retort, And Final Word (It’s Too Easy)

I do, in fact, have YEARS of experience with FK.

My characters (well, a few at least) were loved and received many compliments.

I was there when Dalvyn and Gwain played, and recently with Liora and…unfortunately, still Gwain.

I’ve known the game, very well, for many years.

I’ve seen the vast improvements in every area but one.

It is…a subjective opinion.

But…it is not one made out of bitterness. It IS my genuine opinion.

Roleplay has always been mediocre, with a few exceptions.

And it still is…there’s been no advancement whatsoever.

I’ve gone back, and back, over and over. Why? I think a current player summed it up well when they said to me OOC “It’s like crack.” You know it’s bad, and you don’t WANT to…but you just can’t help it. For me…it’s the glimmer of hope, at finding the two or three good roleplayers in the entire game.

I’d like to emphasize, also, that I have NEVER been officially asked to leave by a member of staff. And, according to their rules…they CAN do that.

All IMPO of course.


And now, a bit of fun (SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE):

Theory: FK is, in fact, the great lost work of the magnificent L.F. Dibley; an undiscovered Festering, a monumental achievement, and an unrivaled statement on the proper length, format, and content of optimum roleplay. Vis:


Bye FK…if there’s any relevance to TMC’s rankings regarding adherence to type (in this case, listed: “Roleplay Enforced”), you will fade and be forgotten.

10/16/16: FAIR USE: CRITICISM – A good clip from a great show. (housekeeping)

I’ve Run Out Of Clever Post Titles For Mediocrity, So Here’s Stuff (SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE)

“I had to go the complete MUD list to find FK. We’re being beaten by TroilMud! This is embarrassing! Everybody make MUD Connect accounts and vote! I am not satisfied until we’re back at 4th place, where we rightfully belong! Long live Forgotten Kingdoms!”

Forgotten Kingdoms forum post, January 2015

Apparently, FK votes are garnered through persistent and annoying pressure rather than genuine opinion. In my opinion, of course.

Forgotten Kingdoms – Odds and Sods (SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE)

1) FK – The Mediocrity Watch

After a brief challenge of Armageddon, FK’s current 3rd is now closer to 4th than Arm’s 2nd. Triumph of substance over well-meaning dreck.

Don’t get me wrong…I love the well-meaning.

But sweet, gentle, polite, cheerful cr@p is still cr@p.

2) Wanna know why FK is ranked 3rd on TMC, and Harshlands 71st?

FK cares about being popular.

Harshlands cares about roleplaying. Demands it, actually…mediocrity could not survive there for long. Hence, a mass migration.

That’s just my opinion, of course.

3) Memo To Ireland

You rock. Can you please export FK to some much cr@ppier country?

4) Oh, and the final and best example of JH-level roleplay:

Almost all characters, when faced with an opposing viewpoint, will – instead of discussing, arguing, listening, speaking directly to the opposer – almost inevitably and robotically turn to another player and talk about the opposing player and their viewpoint as if they weren’t there.


Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic, Good, Evil…identical.

I’m not joking.

Like covering their eyes and ears and yelling “NANANANANANANA I CAN’T HEAR YOU”.

Try it, if you don’t believe me.

The clique leaders do, the clique followers laugh and/or agree.

It’s…sad. THIS MUD is challenging Armageddon! There is no justice of quality in the world.


From FK’s TMC entry:

“Forgotten Kingdoms is an RPI (Role-Play Intensive) game”

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ummm…no. Try it and see.

“Roleplaying Is Enforced”

Ummm…I specifically recall being told, by an FK Imm (Immortal, person who runs the game) (in my words, but accurate IMPO) that it was acceptable for players to logon and simply type “kill (mob)” over and over for hours. Hours in FK equalling days. How this is “RP Enforced” and not “Powergaming Accepted” is beyond me.

Also, since Anachronisms are HORRIBLY rampant…and not just subtle ones; blatant, in-character references to specific modern-day items, terminology, etc…that are then explained, in-character, weakly and without any merit…I hardly think “RP Enforced” is an appropriate label, unless the “RP” being enforced is “Mediocre characters who stand around chatting like angsty, giggly teens and make rampant anachronisms”. If that is what they mean, then spot on.

“The game has over 250 unique areas and is still growing rapidly, thanks to a large team of builders who continuously update existing areas as well as adding new areas and

Quite true. The “game” is constantly growing, “areas” are constantly being updated and improved, etc…all completely accurate.

However, none of this changes the fact that roleplay is almost universally mediocre. And has been…for years. Good players come, and go…I assume, like myself, to better RP MUDs. No exaggeration…YEARS. The roleplay level, with a few RARE exceptions, has not improved AT ALL in YEARS.

“New characters can choose from a huge range of races and subraces, including shield dwarves, moon elves, mountain orcs and even planetouched characters such as genasi, aasimar or tieflings.”

Incorrect. Or, at least, very misleading. New “characters” may be able to choose these things…but NOT new “players”. New players have limited access to races – no genasi, no aasimar, no tiefling, no moon elf…

“Once you have selected your characters race, you must choose a base class of Warrior, Wizard, Rogue or Priest, each of which offers a different roleplay experience, and can be further customised by joining one of almost 50 guilds.”

To a limited extent, yes. Warrior makes you fight with big weapons. Wizard makes you fight with small weapons, and spells. Priest makes you fight with medium weapons, and spells. Rogue is not allowed to new players. That is basically the difference in “roleplay experience”, since virtually all characters currently playing are interchangeable personality (or lack thereof) wise.

“The last major decision to be made by any new character is to decide where they grew up – possibilities include several famous Forgotten Realms locations, including Waterdeep, Zhentil Keep, Menzoberranzan and Mithril Hall.”

Again, incorrect…or, very misleading. New “characters”, perhaps…but not new “players”. New players start in Waterdeep. Period. Since this was carefully worded to say “characters”, I must conclude it is propaganda.

(EDIT, 8/17/15: New PLAYERS may be able to start in a few other cities, depending on alignment. However, since the vast majority of characters are in Waterdeep, and the only other considerable player base AT ALL is in Zhentil Keep, all non-evil characters can start in either A) Area where noone else will be to RP with, so they travel to Waterdeep or B) Waterdeep. I’m not certain because I’ve NEVER tested it out…play is in Waterdeep and ZK, with VERY RARE exceptions. Period. And roleplaying alone is not fun.)

That is, it is written for players who don’t know about the MUD. These players will assume (rightfully so, IMPO) that this means they can pick any race, hometown…and that’s just false.

I mean…trying to attract new players is great. But deceptive advertising (IMPO only, of course) in order to bring in new players before they find out the ACTUAL choices…is just a numbers-grab. It’s an attempt to bring in everyone, regardless of quality. Hence, why FK’s mediocrity stands the test of time. One reason of many, but still.

“A unique ‘spell memorisation’ system based on system used in
Dungeons and Dragons. This means no mana!”

Semantics. Spells “regenerate” in your character through time and a random element. That this isn’t called “Mana” really doesn’t change how it works, IMPO.

“Many avenues for character development, including joining up with factions such as the Black Network or the Grey Hands, joining the inner circle or even becoming the high priest of one of 30 faiths…the possibilities are myriad!”

Suggested Disclaimer: ‘Black Network, Grey Hands, Inner Circles, and High Priest positions unavailable to non-clique members unless one is willing to RP with clique members and pretend they don’t suck.’

And, even without that…it doesn’t matter. No matter who you become, how powerful, in what way, in what organization…you will be roleplaying with a vast supply of mediocre role-players. If that is your limit…then go for it. If you have higher aspirations, they will NOT (IMPO, over years of study) be met here, with VERY few exceptions. And if you’re one of two good roleplayers logged in out of 25…why are you on the MUD, instead of in a chatroom, where the mediocrity can be dispensed with?

“Forgotten Kingdom’s greatest strength is its large population of superb role-players…”

No, no…”large population”, yes. “superb role-players”…two. Maybe three. Not counting myself, because I don’t consider myself “superb”…just…pretty good. However, even “pretty good” would be incorrect, IMPO, if substituted in the quote for “superb”.

Here is, IMPO, an honest replacement statement:

“Forgotten Kingdom’s greatest strength is everything else which hides the mediocrity of the vast majority of the large population of its role-players…”

FK Roleplay – An Excerpt (SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE)

Ok, so…during a fairly recent period on FK, in Market Square…errr CENTER, pardon me, this is what basically happened for a couple of hours:

A dozen or so characters came and left, intermittently, with at least three present pretty much at all times. Liora attempted to generate actual roleplay. Thaien, identically-drab son of Thanasis (Faith Leader, Former Faith Leader), Lylena (hand-folding Faith Leader), Gwain (omg…see ‘Irrepressibly Drab And Awful’), some other character whose one “individual” characteristic is “says everything from behind a cowl”, some other character whose one “individual” characteristic is “tries to sleep with every female character in the game” (I think he also plays another fav of mine, but not sure…Casimir, who actually has TWO “individual” characteristics: “Slowly moves a talon up and down” and “Speaks in a wind-affected voice”), and some other characters who are too lazy to even have that one characteristic all engaged in…chat. No character, no characters, no roleplay, no personality. Nothing. Just chat. IN CHARACTER. The equivalent of what you’d see on most RP MUDs (REAL roleplay-enforced ones) ooc chat channels.

A fairly accurate representation, IMPO:

“How go things?”
“Fine, yourself?”
“Very well. I just (insert name of hack n’ slash accomplished recently).”
“Great. So…have you seen (insert name of established generic character) lately?”
“No. Last I saw them they were with (insert name of romantically-linked other established generic character).”
“(insert generic witticism here)”
“(laughter and smiles)”

I’m not joking.

Deep Puppy Thoughts (Part 95)

There are two people, in particular and at least, who disagree with (or are a bit…sensitive to) my recent posts.

My question is: Why would two people with such disdain for my posts visit my website 5 and 3 times, respectively, in a period of less than three hours?

“I hate you, I hate you! Your posts are meaningless, noone cares about them, they’re not worth reading! Ummm…I’ll be back in a few.”

Forgotten Kingdoms – A Day In The Life (SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE)

Took me a while to get on here…traffic. But I digress.

…it’d love to turnnnn…youuuuuu…offffffff…


First, you create your character. Name, class, race, alignment, description, adjective, etc etc etc…

Which sounds very complex. UNFORTUNATELY…none of this makes any difference. All characters, with a few notable exceptions, are generic automatons of mediocrity.

You will NOT find someone to roleplay your concept with. They do not exist there…IMPO.

Once that is done, you may have to wait up to 24 hours to be approved. Because, of course, they must verify that your name is acceptable, you have a suitable description, and so on. Of course nine times out of ten (yes, I’ve done enough iterations) you will be approved within half an hour: REGARDLESS of anything except (maybe) your name. In that case, you will have to change it, and wait another…30 minutes, max. (nine times out of ten…there are exceptions, although whether these are out of lack of attention or a desire to give the impression that actual analysis is taking place is open for debate).

Having accomplished that, you will be spat out into a Tavern in
Waterdeep. Everything will look really pretty.

Then, you’ll get the same first job everyone gets every single time they play, with every single character. Evidently, there is a Lamplighter who has been scared for YEARS to light lamps, and whose fear only abates temporarily when aided.

Then, after some time in the Snookery, you will go to Market Square (now Center…it’s been expanded). There you will await other characters, and, if you are any good at roleplaying, you will tolerate their mediocrity with a metaphorical forced smile; it does not harm you, after all, to reply to such mediocrity if you have ANY skill at roleplay. You can do so at ten percent of your RP capacity, and you’ll fit right in.

Assuming you stay, you will continue to return to Market Center, over and over and over again. You will listen to inane conversations and you will tell yourself “There MUST be other good role-players on here…if I can just pretend this isn’t cliquey JH-level roleplay cr@p, so as not to insult all the powerful players in the game…I’ll meet a good roleplayer.


The vast majority of powerful characters are decadent, mediocre, undefined, generic, boring, without distinction, and absolutely and completely ignorable…EXCEPT, they are the Faith Managers. Therefore you MUST pretend that they can roleplay (as a representative of a God) at least well enough for you: a neophyte with practice armor.

I think, for me…the most egregious example of utter mediocrity as a baseline is the fact that ALL the powerful characters, no matter their alignment, ethos, powerful convictions, etc…talk to each other. Politely. The same as to every other character. In the Market Square. Good and Evil, mortal enemies at times, by the very definition of their deities…chatting.

Just…chatting. Not, speaking because it is necessary, but roleplaying being appropriately disgusted (or at least dismayed). Just…chatting. Meaningless, trivial, worthless. Without any roleplay value. Every character…JUST like every other.

Again…try it.

Make a character, try it…and tell me I’m wrong. Reply, send me a log, ANYTHING…

Unfortunately, that won’t happen. Because you can’t post something that doesn’t exist. And, unless you’re a Pof Mediocre-Character-X (or Y, or Z, or…) or a friend (IC and OOC crossover is rampant), you can’t deny anything I’ve said, without, IMPO, lying.

There’s no realism here. It is not “roleplay-enforced”. Anachronisms are completely allowed, if not encouraged. One player speaks with thee’s, thy’s, and thou’s…and the next says “hey, wanna go to rat hill?”.

SERIOUSLY! I’m not making this sh1t up!

So, as long as you can avoid being Inkyd, those who seek ACTUAL roleplay should try Armageddon. Or Harshlands. Or The Inquisition: Legacy. Or The Burning Post 2. Or dozens of other MUDs and MUSHs, far lower on TMC’s list, with REAL roleplaying.

This is all just IMPO, of course.

The change I’m attempting to provoke is highly unlikely. But, there’s ALWAYS a chance. Even for good roleplay on FK.

Forgotten Kingdoms – The JV (Or JH) Of MUDS (SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE)

Based on long, often painful, experience, there are four players on FK that are actually GOOD at roleplaying.
1) Pof Harroghty/any alts
2) Pof Liora/any alts
3) Pof Liric/any alts
4) Some new female Aasimar whose name I don’t know.

EDIT, 8/13/15: This does NOT include “former” characters. Characters that no longer play at all are not “on” FK…they are memories. I thought I would clarify, for the sake of accuracy, that there (of course) HAVE been other good roleplayers…but, generally, it tends to be 3 or 4 at a time. A time being…everyone who plays over a period of several months.

Despite a brilliant background, extensive help files, a remarkably workable quest system, helpful Imms, mostly helpful PLAYERS…

The rest is, from dozens of exposures with dozens of characters, the equivalent of prepping for a real MUD.

The established players, with nothing further to accomplish, simply congregate in a place called “Market Center” (formerly Market Square…the areas of FK are constantly improving, unlike the RP) for hours at a time. Roleplay consists of smiling, giggling, frowning, cheek-pecking, in-breeding, and pointless, useless IC conversation.

I say pointless because all conversations are the same, with a few simple variations.

For example, Pof Lylena is almost exactly like every other character there…BUT, she folds her hands behind her back.

Honestly. That’s all.

THIS is the MUD challenging Armageddon for 2nd place on TMC.

It is an alternate Junior High School hallway, with all of the cliques but not QUITE as much intelligence.

This is a product of HOURS and HOURS of research with DOZENS of characters…many of whom were LOVED by other players. But, unfortunately, with the exceptions noted above (and perhaps a few more…but none that you’ll encounter in Waterdeep) there is a helpless feeling of time-wasting that inevitably sets in.

No matter how detailed the world becomes, no matter how complex and interesting the quests become, no matter how involved the character creation process gets…the roleplay stays the same. The same conversations, by the same people (or clones of them), in the same area, about the same subjects, with the same variations in actual character RP: Lylena’s hand-folding being – sadly – one of the best.

That’s all. Try it. Go on FK, and try to stay in Market Center for an hour, with at least six others, and see a single instance of real, genuine, lengthy, emoted/said/thought/FELT roleplay.

You’ll see plenty of chat that is the same, day after day, over and over, as unchanging as Ly’s hand posture…but if you want a JH clique chat, why don’t you just go in a chatroom with fellow adolescents? Or, as the case probably is, those stuck in adolescence and/or lacking the roleplay ability to do anything except 1) that, and 2) hack n’ slash.

Hack n’ slash is commonly referred to as “Adventuring” there.

Is part of this “sour grapes”, as might be the response?

Sure. It’s frustrating to make a character, give them a personality, find a background and setting and functionality that is PERFECT for them…and then have it ruined, over and over and over, by the inept mediocrity of the vast majority of the other players.

This isn’t just my opinion, either…at least two players (one current good role-player, one good role-player who left because of this reason) mentioned and complained, specifically, about the clique system and their annoyance with it. I imagine, since they avoided the usual Square nonsense themselves in order to roleplay with me, that they also shared my view of the overall RP.


Why do I keep going back? Hope. That small, fragile flower in a field of darkness…and, SOMETIMES, I find another real roleplayer amongst the dreck and endless generations of the same nameless names.

I mean…it’s so CLOSE to being the best MUD ever. If ONLY it had roleplayers.

I Think Not Formatting Or Explaining Makes It More Real

If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time. As the years passed, he fell into despair and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a beast?

I let her go.

Cogsworth: Yes, yes, splen – You what? How could you do that?

Beast: I had to.

Cogsworth: Yes, but, but, but but why?

Beast: Because I love her.

We don’t like what we don’t understand, in fact it scares us, and this monster is mysterious at least…

What should we do, Master?

Beast: It doesn’t matter now. Just let them come.

Oh, uh this is a rejection letter.
It’s not a rejection letter per se.
It’s a “soon and inevitably to be accepted” letter.
Listen to this.
“Your work is not entirely without promise.

“Hurricane of Wills,” unfinished.

You win, Sam.
I’ve struggled so hard for so long to keep my dreams alive, and I haven’t fooled anyone but myself.
I know all along you all considered me a pretentious, self-deluded windbag and apparently, you’ve all been right.
I’m never going to be Diane Chambers, the great poet, the world-famous novelist, the revered artist.
I’ve gone as high as I’m going to go.
I’m a waitress in a beer hall and not a very good one.
A waitress.
A waitress.
A waitress.
Miss, could you take our order? (sobbing)

The GOOD Stubborn

“KIRK: It is useless to resist us.
THARN [on viewscreen: We do not resist you.
KIRK: You have twelve hours to consider your position.
THARN [on viewscreen: Twelve years, Captain Kirk, or twelve thousand. We are ethically compelled to deny your demand for our dilithium crystals, for you would use their power to destroy.
KIRK: We will level your planet and take what we want. That is
destruction. You will die as a race.
THARN [on viewscreen: To preserve what we are.”

The limits of scientific testing, no matter the purpose.


I think, at least.

As is. If you want to make a connection that doesn’t exist, go right ahead.


FAIR USE: CRITICISM – This clip serves, in my opinion, as a statement on scientific testing and an emotionally-and-well-put moral objection to such testing, taking all into account. To criticize this scene: This is the best scene of the movie ‘Extreme Measures’, to which I hold no rights and am making no profit from in any way.

Film Imitates Hagakure – Part Fourteen

“…The essentials of speaking are in not speaking at all. If you think that you can finish something without speaking, finish it without saying a single word. If there is something that cannot be accomplished without speaking, one should speak with few words, in a way that will accord well with reason…”

FAIR USE: CRITICISM – A good example (from a great movie) of a man of few words.

Film Imitates Hagakure – Part Thirteen

“…The way of revenge lies in simply forcing one’s way into a place and being cut down. There is no shame in this. By thinking that you must complete the job you will run out of time. By considering things like how many men the enemy has, time piles up; in the end you will give up. No matter if the enemy has thousands of men, there is fulfillment in simply standing them off and being determined to cut them all down, starting from one end. You will finish the greater part of it…”

FAIR USE: CRITICISM – A very powerful clip from the movie ‘Unforgiven’ that is, I think, a good example of the above quote.

Film Imitates Hagakure – Part Twelve

“…There is something to be learned from a rainstorm. When meeting with a sudden shower, you try not to get wet and run quickly along the road. But doing such things as passing under the eaves of houses, you still get wet. When you are resolved from the beginning, you will not be perplexed, though you will still get the same soaking. This understanding extends to everything…”


FAIR USE: CRITICISM – As described by another character in the film: “That’s all it takes, really; pressure, and time.” As portrayed (very well) by the character of Andy Dufresne.

For Prospective New Players – A Useful Guide

A short list of things NOT to say on TI:Legacy, cuz they might think you’re me: (SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE)

Hi :)
Hello :)
Thanks :)
Thanks! :)
Thank you!
Thank you
Thank you :)
Ok thanks!
Ok thanks
Ok thanks :)
Ok thank you
Ok thank you!
Ok thank you :)
Great RP :)
Great RP!
Thanks for the help.
Thanks for the help :)
Thanks for the help!
Thanks for the help! :)

And a quick tip:

If I can play a half-mage/half-demon for 56+ hours and all I get is an escort to make sure I don’t make any mistakes…try a mage. The current Order/Inquisition system is so incompetent (IMPO) that, if you’re at least mildly competent, you should be fine.

The Inquisition: Legacy MUD (Take Two)*

Mostly the same as take one (mostly nice, helpful imms and mostly nice, helpful players) but here’s one glaring exception to watch for:

The Inquisition: Legacy froze on me, so I had to re-logon. Four times, maybe five. In a row. It took a while. At very bad points. So I asked an Imm for help, because I NEEDED IT. And I was very polite and thankful, and they were nice at first (Thank you Mika).

Enter Azarial.

The tender-hearted, who asks questions as statements and ONLY answers code-related questions. Well, when he/she wants to.

“Azarial tells you, “Now. what is wrong with your pet”

Azarial replies to you, “What is wrong with it.”

(visnet) Staff Azarial: Ftr, misplaced pets are not a request for staff. use ‘hail lost’. if it is no longer on the ‘hail list’, that is a request/

(visnet) Player Abril: My pet was not misplaced. I was booted out of my room when the game crashed.

(visnet) Staff Azarial: That counts as misplaced.

(visnet) Player Abril: So a crash costs 50 silver?

Rule Quote: “Hail lost will summon lost pets for 50 silver.”

You tell Azarial, “Just so I’m clear on this…if the game crashes, I have to pay 50 silver to get my NPC back?”

…”This is a joke, right?”…

(visnet) Player Abril: Hey Azarial…can I ask you just one question?

“(visnet) Player Abril: Or do I have to send code questions in notes like Rimilde, even though your title says “can only answer code questions”?

(visnet) Player Abril: Azarial, if you don’t serve the purpose you state, what exactly do you do?”

I don’t recall EXACTLY, but here is my best recollection of another event, concerning Rimilde and Azarial: can only answer code questions (On visnet)-

Rimilde: I have a code question if I could please ask?

Azarial: You can ask it here unless it’s personal.

Rimilde: Well it is personal, that’s why I can’t…should I send a note?

Azarial: Yeah, probably best.

Nice answer.

If you have to send a note to ask a code question…why does it say “can only answer code questions” in your title, Az?

I mean, are you stating what your brain is theoretically capable of? Because since you didn’t answer that question, it seems to not be a “I WILL answer code questions” reference. Can you do anything else? Walk? Drool?

*= SATIRE…SATIRE…SATIRE. What am I mocking in the hope of provoking or preventing change, often using humor? Sh1tty Imming. That’s just IMPO, of course.